League Of Legends Does Dragon Do Ad Or Ap Dmg

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Garen does extreme amounts of damage for a character who can build completely pure tank. His kit makes him a near unkillable champ, because he can take enormous amounts of damage, and is nearly impossible to chase him down. He is completely devastating to mages in.


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  • Mar 09, 2015 1. Start with Morellonomicon/Athene's/Seraph's. Can be switched with Lich Bane if your champion is not very mana-hungry. Tier-2 boots. Then start building.
  • We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity.
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Grasp of the Undying
Font of Life

The Ultimate Hat



Ranked #14 in
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Hello Friends of the Rift!!
My Name is Kakturion im a Fan since the first second an Elder if u will. i Played a long Time just for fun but then i got by the Perfectionism of this Game. And thats will be My First Guide. I look allways for unusual Picks and Try to have some Fun coupled with Element of Surprise. Dont be scared this Guide is meant serious im Sure that Rakan is a great Tanky-Toplaner. Pls try it and enjoy

Why Rakan?! And WHY the Hell on Top?!!

Rakan is My Favorit Champ his Character is so Funny and Carefree and i can feel these Attributes in every second i Play him.
Why on Top: I Played Him on bot for long time and succesful too.. But There was allways The Question 'Does this Guy use his full Potential?' and the answer for me (and maybe u) is a straight NO! HE has a great Sustain to hold a lane and outsustain nearly any other Toplaner. as Full Tank he can consume a lot of damage and his Q will gave him the ability to heal up again very Fast. Thats not all he can escape easily in Dangerous situation. his high mobility and OP CC will lead ganks/roams to Victory. Because of the High Cc he will be allways useful even if ure behind u can CC the whole enemy Team for several seconds.
Tactical i prefer to Engage

League Of Legends Does Dragon Do Ad Or Ap Dmg Download

then to Peel for the ADC
In my Opinion the most flexible Champ:
He Can Peel or Engage. he can Build Tanky and still benefits of every Ap point in reason of his passive shield. he has Heal, CC, Shield, and enugh damage that carries will feel his skills


I Pref Everything what gave him Sustain and Movement


The leading point Rakan and Me will teach u is:u can be what u want. So be Flexible and fit his Itemset to ure Playstyle.
Just Some General Things:

League Of Legends Does Dragon Do Ad Or Ap Dmg Download

Much AA dmg = Thornmail
Much Crit = Randuins
Hard CC = Mercury
Heavy AP = Adaptive Helmet/Banshees
Strong Adc in ure Team = Ardents
Much AP in Your Team = Hellmask


+ High Mobility
+ Amazing CC
+ High Sustain
+ One Of the Most Flexible Champ
+ Gamechanger


- Not As Tanky As other Toplaners
- Most People disrespect this Pick on Top
- Lack in Dmg in Late Game

League Of Legends Does Dragon Do Ad Or Ap Dmg 1

- Depends Completly on Teamplay
- Needs a lot of Training and a Good eye

Ranked Play

League Of Legends Does Dragon Do Ad Or Ap Dmg Free

Ranked Plays are winnable with Rakan but hes a risky pcik if u get disrespected and ignored by ure Team its an safe Loss

League Of Legends Does Dragon Do Ad Or Ap Dmg 2017

League Of Legends Does Dragon Do Ad Or Ap Dmg 2016

if u got a nice Team there are many possibilitys to Manage the Game. on the Other side even on Gold Enemys underestimate Rakan especially his Dmg on Earlie lvl use this to trap them or bait them