Do You Add Dex To Bow Dmg

Aug 16, 2011  You are right about range being an archer's friend though. But in this instance it's a huge advantage over the melee guy as melee range provides pretty much the same penalties to either one. Heh, the only cheese archers are missing now is a feat that lets them add their dex to damage. The Agile weapon modifier (dex instead of str for dmg), and-Unchained Rogue where you can pick a weapon that uses Dex instead of Str for damage. Every, I think, 5 levels. Someone else will have to answer for those specific feats.

Maybe it will count only #DEX roll from the weapon itself?
I don't believe they would release it otherwise, unless it is 'more rare than a mirror' cathegory
Posted by
on Dec 7, 2017, 8:27:19 PM
Do you guys play PoE in a world that Brutus' Lead Sprinkler or Hand of Wisdom and Action don't exist? Because this thread and most of the posts in it seem to be nonsense. The bow you would get out of this prefix would be both more expensive and rare than either of the unique 1h'ers and it may not even be better either. Str and Int both do more than Dex and are more beneficial to stack.
Posted by
on Dec 7, 2017, 8:54:20 PM
Str and Int both do more than Dex and are more beneficial to stack.

True, but cold is a more beneficial damage type in general, so...
But, on thinking about it it's a bit too high, 7 average per 10 attr compared to brutus' and HoWA having 5.5 per 10 attr.
Flat ele/chaos damage rolls on bows are the same as 1handers get (unlike with phys, bows get 1.5x flat phys rolls over 1handers for some reason), so that's kinda out of line by a bit, especially considering it can roll plenty of other lines better than the other lines on HoWA and Brutus'.
I'm happy to see that kinda affix, cuz it does make rares interesting for sure, but that particular mod (and any others like it) probably ought to line up a little better with the uniques that already possess those kinda mods.
Posted by
on Dec 7, 2017, 9:00:11 PM
The wording 'you may find rare Shaped and Elder items which can be crafted to have powerful properties that don't normally occur.' suggests that shaper/elder mods can be created by rolling the item (with alt/chaos/essence/etc orbs).
Some attempts at theorycrafting with PoB:
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Posted by
on Dec 7, 2017, 9:20:53 PM
Anybody the remember the 2000 dex 10x siege ballista meme dude?
That guy is going to have a blast.
And he still managed around 5k life with that stacking, considering with that damage output your going to freeze pretty much all content, yeah cool beans.
Legit meme builds incomming.
Questionnaire on cognitive dissonance,
If = a transwomen joins a womens group and interupts women from speaking
does = she exhibit male privilege and toxic masculinity?
Posted by
on Dec 7, 2017, 9:38:54 PM
The bow you would get out of this prefix would be both more expensive and rare than either of the unique 1h'ers and it may not even be better either. Str and Int both do more than Dex and are more beneficial to stack.

Not likely. I mean not sure how those items work, but if you could just use alternates on them you would have a bow with basically just that mod and then you would elreon craft the rest on it.
At this point it is pretty easy to compare it. Because you would likely use a fast bow or a Harbinger.
So with a Thicket you get best AS, Royal would give some increased elemental damage and Reflex gives some movespeed and a slightly higher base crit. But Thicket is propably the best choice, with that you get 1.65 AS easily, since you can craft AS, you can also craft crit chance for 6% basecrit.
So you can get the Cold per Dex mod, maybe another cold damage mod or something similar maybe increased weapon elemental damage. Of course this would require the mod to be a prefix, which damage mods like this usually are.
But lets just assume a bow with 6% Base Crit, 1,65 AS and 5 - 9 Cold Damage per 10 Dex. If we compare it with Lead Sprinkler we have a weapon with have around 8% base crit, 1,4 AS and 4 - 7 Fire Damage per 10 Strength and if we compare it to HoWA we have 6% Crit, 1,6 AS and 1 - 10 Lightning Damage.
Overall Lead Sprinkler is propably the best of those, simply because stacking Strength is much more beneficial, however with the bow it is easy to go Crit and there are even items that allow you to get Life via Dex, like Garukhans Flight or Shapers Touch. And the thing is since Accuracy is high on a Dex build you have it easier to go crit compared to Lead Sprinkler, exspecially since Bow Crit is easy to get.
Int was good, with CI, but now it is not too good. And while Strength is good, the selection of skills for Lead Sprinkler is simply worse, the best you have is Sunder, which is fine but nothing compared to Barrage. And at least in the next league this bow is likely far easier to get than Lead Sprinkler of course a lot of this depends on how those items are actually created and if you can reroll them. I kinda doubt that I assume you have to use them as if, but even then they are propably more likely to drop than an item from another league with insane rarity, because if you drop a shaped or eldered (not sure which one grants this mod) it will likely have maybe one suffix and one prefix or just two mods in general, but they seem to have at least two mods and depending on how many there are getting such a bow is not too hard and you can actually mod them if you safe the mod with Haku and roll the other mods, since there are no really necessary prefixes this should be possible as soon as you get a bow with a free prefix.
So I would definitly say this bow is better than HoWA definitly, and at least on par but likely easier to get than Lead Sprinkler and it is a bow.
The wording 'you may find rare Shaped and Elder items which can be crafted to have powerful properties that don't normally occur.' suggests that shaper/elder mods can be created by rolling the item (with alt/chaos/essence/etc orbs).

The thing I have an issue with is that the items don't look any different, at least the linked ones. So they seem like normal items that just got those mods somehow, like with an essence.
Posted by
on Dec 7, 2017, 9:41:24 PM

The wording 'you may find rare Shaped and Elder items which can be crafted to have powerful properties that don't normally occur.' suggests that shaper/elder mods can be created by rolling the item (with alt/chaos/essence/etc orbs).

The thing I have an issue with is that the items don't look any different, at least the linked ones. So they seem like normal items that just got those mods somehow, like with an essence.

I found this odd as-well, upon contemplating it a bit i reckon they might be hiding the backgrounds as to not reveal which area's can drop what modifiers yet(shaper vs elder maps) to let the community figure it out themselves.
Questionnaire on cognitive dissonance,
If = a transwomen joins a womens group and interupts women from speaking
does = she exhibit male privilege and toxic masculinity?
Posted by
on Dec 7, 2017, 9:45:16 PM
reddit says that lack of background is due to tech limits (something something live realm something does not display background)
as for the weapon - what makes bow with this kind of damage scaling bonkers is that it is RANGED weapon.
tornado/barrage on a 1000cold/sec damage weapon you can craft with alts only? really? 'we are not affraid to nerf things that damage POE'
cool. maybe it is better to simply do not introduce such things in the first place? it would save you some manhours and reddit drama (or free advertisement)
Posted by
on Dec 7, 2017, 9:56:35 PM
Do you guys play PoE in a world that Brutus' Lead Sprinkler or Hand of Wisdom and Action don't exist? Because this thread and most of the posts in it seem to be nonsense. The bow you would get out of this prefix would be both more expensive and rare than either of the unique 1h'ers and it may not even be better either. Str and Int both do more than Dex and are more beneficial to stack.

Not to mention Dex is a hell of alot harder to stack the numbers you pull from Str and Int.. Theres no juicy uniques giving nice % increased Dex like there are for Str and Int. Makes a world of difference. It being a Dex stacking mod over Str or Int is a drawback in and of itself. Even seen people mention Shaper gloves which sure.. get some life from dex but also lose and ever important Dex roll your gonna need to push those crazy Dex numbers like with str and int. And you must roll a quiver with Essence of Sorrow to get another ever important Dex roll.. All these things are nessisary to hit the dex numbers people are talking about to make this bow insane. Accuracy wont be an issue for someone going for it however. Evasion numbers should be impressive but wont matter a whole bunch at the end of the day.
EDIT: Perfect Form 10-15% Dex Black Sun Crest 5-15% Briskwrap 15% Brawn 4-6% Emperor's Cunning 4-6%
The helm is gonna be pretty expensive for the good rolls and the perfect form will be a Breach Unique hard to get very early on but i mean if you go with things like this and conversion jewels you might push 1500 halfway decent but again... Life is gonna be rough without shaper gloves.. Even with the gloves i cant see someone getting adequate life with dex stacking. IDK not worth it to me i dont think. Maybe someone will pull something off with it though. Again this is only half the battle.. the biggest part beyond the dex stacking will be getting the a weapon with the mod with good rolls with it. Even with the single mod and multimod out the rest i cant imagine such a bow would be cheap. As well as rare. We'll just have to see how it plays out i guess.
How rare is Garukhan's Flight?
Garukhan's Flight
Stealth Boots
Quality: +20%
Evasion: (440 to 528)
Requires Level 62, 117 Dex
+(30-40) to Dexterity
(80-120)% increased Evasion Rating
30% increased Movement Speed
These combined with Shaper Gloves... IDK now we are talking about 200 flat life per 400 Dex...
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Dec 7, 2017, 10:31:15 PM
Posted by
on Dec 7, 2017, 10:12:43 PM
And you must roll a quiver with Essence of Sorrow to get another ever important Dex roll..

Rare quivers can have dex without using Essence:
Demonoz wrote:
EDIT: Perfect Form 10-15% Dex Black Sun Crest 5-15% Briskwrap 15% Brawn 4-6% Emperor's Cunning 4-6%

+Look at the 11% attributes belt in the same post as the bow.
Similar thread: WTF is that bow mod?
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Posted by
on Dec 7, 2017, 11:33:59 PM

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  • 1Damage
    • 1.1Minimum Damage


When your attack succeeds, you deal damage. The type of weapon used determines the amount of damage you deal. Effects that modify weapon damage apply to unarmed strikes and the natural physical attack forms of creatures.

Damage reduces a target’s current hit points.

Minimum Damage

If penalties reduce the damage result to less than 1, a hit still deals 1 point of damage.

Strength Bonus: When you hit with a melee or thrown weapon, including a sling, add your Strength modifier to the damage result. A Strength penalty, but not a bonus, applies on attacks made with a bow that is not a composite bow.

Off-Hand Weapon

When you deal damage with a weapon in your off hand, you add only 1/2 your Strength bonus.

Wielding a Weapon Two-Handed

When you deal damage with a weapon that you are wielding two-handed, you add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus. However, you don’t get this higher Strength bonus when using a light weapon with two hands.

Do You Add Dex To Bow Dmg In Linux

Multiplying Damage

Sometimes you multiply damage by some factor, such as on a critical hit. Roll the damage (with all modifiers) multiple times and total the results. Note: When you multiply damage more than once, each multiplier works off the original, unmultiplied damage.

Do You Add Dex To Bow Dmg In Mac

Exception: Extra damage dice over and above a weapon’s normal damage are never multiplied.

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Ability Damage

Certain creatures and magical effects can cause temporary ability damage (a reduction to an ability score).

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