It seems that a lot of people are confused about the damage ranks. People are spouting nonsense here and there, and it's getting quite annoying.
Mar 09, 2017 But you gain range really fast because of all those%HP Stats many Equips and Sets give. Nightlords are great for both mobbing and bossing, can take down Gollux easily and are overall really easy to play. Even after their upcoming Nerf they're still pretty good, just not as OP as they are now.
It's so easy to just find these damage calculations, but it seems that Basilers are completely unaware that they exist. So I'll make it slightly easier for everyone and put it in a thread.
And yes, this is post-TEMPEST. Most classes didn't get a revamp after Justice, and if they did it didn't count as an 'official revamp,' so in southperry it says 'post justice' for some, but it's completely up to date.
All the following information is taken from southperry.
Maximum possible attack speed (Fastest 2).
Using Adjusted Mastery
No external buffs, no sharp eyes, unless the class can naturally possesses sharp eyes
Single Target DPS
This is based entirely on Percentages. Meaning, in most cases, lower funding will follow these damage charts. However, as funding increases, certain classes will drop in rank and certain classes will rise in rank. A good example is Mercedes, being the 19th rank, will become one of the top ranks with a very high funding.Chart
0) Angelic Burster**
1) Kaiser Transformed
- 5) Mechanic **
3) Kaiser Reg
4) Mikhail
5) Evan
6) Luminous Dark
7) Luminous Light
8) Hero
9) Ice/Lightning Arch Mage
10) Phantom
11) Corsair
12) Shadower
13) Bishop
14) Battle Mage
15) Wild Hunter
What Is A Good Dmg Range For Aran Windows
16) Marksman17) Blade Master
18) Bowmaster
19) Mercedes
20) Demon Slayer
21) Buccaneer
22) Cannon Shooter
23) Night Lord
24) Aran
25) Paladin
26) Dark Knight
Mechanic and Angelic Burster are not included because the damage range calculations have not been determined yet. However, it's estimated that Angelic Burster will be #1, with Mechanic at #3, below Kaiser Transformed.
Multiple Target DPS
Note: This is 6 targets. Keep in mind that many classes are able to hit more than 6 targets, such as Fire/Poison Arch Mages, which can hit 8 or more.Chart
0) Angelic Burster **
1) Fire/Poison Arch Mage
2) Kaiser Transformed
3) Ice/Lightning Arch Mage
4) Phantom
5) Bishop
6) Battle Mage
7) Evan
8) Kaiser Regular
9) Demon Slayer
10) Hero
11) Marksman
12) Luminous Dark
13) Aran
14) Luminous Light
15) Shadower
16) Cannon Shooter
What Is A Good Dmg Range For Aransas Pass
17) Mikhail
18) Dark Knight
19) Buccaneer
20) Blade Master
What Is A Good Dmg Range For Aran Man
21) Corsair22) Mercedes
23) Wild Hunter
24) Bowmaster
25) Paladin
26) Night Lord
What Is A Good Dmg Range For Aran Hair
Mechanic and Angelic Burster are not included because the damage range calculations have not been determined yet. However, it's estimated that Angelic Burster will be #1. As for Mechanic, I have no clue.
I hope this cancels any doubts that most people have. Getting tired of people saying that Mercedes, Evans, Corsairs, and Shadowers have the highest %.
- This does not apply to classes that can easily hit the damage cap.