Thuam 6 Runic Shileding Vs Void Dmg

Not Updated For Current Season

The list is showing aspects available in Thaumcraft 6 as well as items that contains them. There is Vis Crystal for each aspect which contains 1 of that aspect. There are two main types of aspects: primal and compound, a combination of 2 primal or compound aspects.

This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page

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Thuan 6 runic shielding vs void dmg 2

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As long as you time your Shields against his E, it will be a very easy lane

Thuan 6 Runic Shielding Vs Void Dmg 2


He won't be able to kill you without a gank. And you have a decent chance of killing him


Olaf is not a very hard matchup for Shen as you should be able to keep up in farm against him. Use your shield to protect yourself from the true damage of Olaf and make sure to punish him if he ever overextends and you have a nearby teammate who can gank for you. The only thing you have to avoid is for him to start snowballing against you. Once you have Rylai and LT you should be able to TORMENT him in lane(puns)


Not too complicated. If he pulls you, you can just E away, and if you set up an angle, taunt him in the process. Late game, on the other hand, his ult is much better, and you must beware of the dunk


Riven would normally be an easy matchup, as you would be nearly invincible building tank. But this this build is quite offensive, the best way to play against her is to be careful, poke with Q, and make sure you have your E up for an Escape

Dr. Mundo

Long story short, neither of you will ever die. The only way to kill him in lane would be to get an early gank pre-6


Also nothing special, just harass him as much as possible to minimize Q stacks.


You, but more Tanky and less damage. Nothing special, just outplay him in lane


Play this matchup extremely safe. Renekton is an offensive and defensive beast. Poke with Q, and do not engage without a gank


Though you are both part of the Kinkou order, Kennen is you with more damage. You have more survivability though, so your job is to keep him in lane so that he doesn't get fed off of other lanes


A good Garen player will ruin your day. A tank that can stay in lane and play offensive for a decent amount of time. His silence will also stop you from dashing away, giving him a free execution.


Very annoying. Great magic damage, 2 consecutive slows in one skill, ultimate is great for setting up ganks on you. Good magic damage, so just don't die, and play it safe.


Post-6, he will tower dive for kills, so just stall with your W and then taunt him under tower. Not under tower, just don't engage.


Where to start. Irelia has a hard CC in her stun and Great damage. And because she builds tank, you won't be killing her 1v1


Never dies, great damage, and even when he does die, he can kill you


Run. Just run. Hard CC, able to shield herself, and massive damage. *sigh


AP Shen is a build that is severely underestimated, and does not see much play. His shield and Ult scale off of AP, so even without considering the damage boosts, the AP adds great tankiness for you and whomever you chose to Ult to. This build is meant to have above average damage while still maintaining the tank status. Depending on your lane opponent, there is always some room for movement.


Liandry's Torment and RCS give good synergy and damage together, and they also give a decent amount of health. This helps make his passive stronger, as it scales off of bonus health. If the situation is right, e.g. A Zed on the enemy team, getting a Zhonya's and Merc Treads would be a optimal idea, rather than Tabi and Abyssal Scepter. Void staff and Deathcap are self explanatory. Starting Doran's Shield gives you more health, which makes CS with your passive easier. Ever since the buff to tank junglers, it is a very good idea to get Liandrys Torment as soon as possible (if they have a tank jungler), as the damage penetration will have much more utility than straight AP, as your ratios are not ridiculous. With the ridiculous power in the Cinderhulk jungle enchantment, it is not a bad idea to take smite and go skirmishers.


Go AP Quints, Magic Pen Marks, Magic Resist glyphs, and Armor Seals. This gives you extra damage, but still great survivability. The main idea with this build is to turn a tank into a massive damage dealer, but his innate survivability with the Seals and Glyphs will make you very hard to kill. Move Speed Quints are also a decent option.


Get 9/21/0 on the AP side of the Offense tree. It is just the most logical option. Sticking to the logic above, it gives great survivability and gives some essential offensive stats, like CDR and a 5% AP Boost.


Flash is almost always essential, so that is an obvious pick. Normally a top laner would take Teleport, and that is an option, but Shen already has a 'Teleport' in his Ultimate, so taking ignite is a great option for extra kill power. With Cinderhulk's ridiculous power, it is not a bad idea to take smite top for both cinderhulk and extra dueling potential (Skirmisher's)

Pros / Cons

Shen is immortal when built as a tank, so when built offensively, such as this build, he does damage while still not dying. His Q gives him great sustain in lane, and his passive is great for CS. Unfortunately, until you get LT and the Crystal Scepter, you won't be dealing any massive damage.

Team Work

Make sure to be constantly watching the map to see if anyone could use a quick Ultimate for a 2v1, or to turn a gank into a 2v2. Shen is a champion whose most useful asset comes from map awareness, so if you do not look to see if there is an Ultimate opportunity, you will be somewhat isolated from your team. In the recent patch, Shen's ultimate' cooldown was reduced. This allows you to use it much less sparingly, and if you use in the wrong situation, it is more forgiving.


I believe that this is a great build that is severely underestimated. All of Shen's skills scale off of AP and Bonus Health, of which there is much in this build. The ridiculous amount of shield strength that he has in his W and his Ultimate is crazy, and can save you and a teammate. Thanks for reading!

Thaum 6 Runic Shielding Vs Void Dmg 3


Thaum 6 Runic Shielding Vs Void Dmg Build

Thaum 6 Runic Shielding Vs Void Dmg 1
