Pubg Xbox Avg Dmg To Aim For

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds became an overnight hit on PC earlier this year, with an outstanding take on player-versus-player (PvP) gameplay revolving around survival mechanics. After being thrown into an expansive arena with up to 99 other players, you'll be forced to fight to the death, while scavenging for resources and converging upon a single location.

After its success on PC, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has now been swooped up by Microsoft and is on track to hit Xbox One in the months ahead. Ambiguously marketed as a 'console launch exclusive,' the game is set to have some sort of exclusivity on the platform and is already shaping up to be the most anticipated releases this fall. And with the Xbox One X just around the corner, the promise of 4K support on the console should be an enticing feature at launch.

Gamescom 2017 recently took place in Germany, and we managed to get hands-on with an in-progress Xbox One build. Despite still running on PC hardware, we were told the build was indicative of the experience on Xbox One expected at launch. This was a great way to see how its controls are holding up during the transition.

For the most part, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on Xbox One retains many of the core values seen in the PC version through its control scheme. Bluehole, the game's developer, did an exceptional job of condensing complex inputs down to the streamlined nature of a controller, without jeopardizing the flow of gameplay. Although some aspects of its controls can still be expected to change leading up to release, the current foundation for Xbox One is looking promising.

Rebuilding the basics

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The basics of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds with a controller will be familiar to seasoned shooter veterans, with main inputs similar to those seen in major franchises. Movement and camera controls are bound to the sticks, triggers are used for firing or aiming, and basic actions are bound to the four lettered buttons. General movement and interactivity on Xbox One feel natural in its current state and should make the experience significantly easier for those more comfortable with thumbsticks for shooters.

There are some differences compared to your average shooter, however, which is a result of condensing PC controls down to a controller. One of the most outstanding of these is weapon reloading being mapped to the Y button, which frees up the X button for interacting with objects and doors. Although this is a relatively minor change, when almost every shooter uses X to reload this is an easy mix-up to make in the heat of combat.

Although controlling PUBG with an Xbox One controller takes some getting used to as an existing PC player, it's impressive that all core mechanics have made the transition. That being said, some functionality has clearly been crammed to fit across a controller, as seen with multiple actions bound to a single button.

It also appears that in its current state, there's little to no aim assist on the Xbox One version. Many shooters implement this strongly to overcome the inaccuracies of using a thumbstick, but due to the unrelenting nature of PUBG, this shouldn't be a huge surprise to see. There's a potential for heavier aim assist to be implemented prior to launch but its absence admittedly complements PUBG's pursuit for skill-based gameplay.

Gearing up for battle

One of our biggest concerns going into PUBG for Xbox One was its inventory and the cutbacks made for it to function with a controller. The pre-established drag-and-drop system has now been abandoned on Xbox One, with item management shortcuts bound to buttons instead. After opening the inventory with the 'Menu' button, the right thumbstick can be used to navigate the on-screen item columns. Additionally, X can be used to equip or consume items, Y is used to drop, and holding Y will split a stack of items in half.

As a game that heavily revolves around scavenging for loot in a tense environment, the flow of its inventory is arguably even more crucial than in many role-playing titles. However, an impressive job has been made with its conversion to console, even without major changes to the overarching user interface. While similar titles built with console in mind may be better tailored for controllers, as a conversion from PC, significant strides have been made.

With PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds set to be one of the biggest Xbox One exclusives this fall, the efficiency of its transition has the potential to make or break its launch. As a game that relies so heavily on precision, the execution of its performance and controls will have a significant bearing on its success. Current builds of the game are showing promise and provided it's well optimized for Xbox One hardware, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds could find a new wave of success for its console debut.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds should hit Xbox One later this year, with specific enhancements to take advantage of Xbox One X.

Fix it up

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PUBGis finally out on Xbox One, but with the change from PC to console come some changes in how the controls work. Quick movements and accurate actions are paramount for success, and it pretty much goes without saying that aiming is among the most important things you'll be doing in PUBG. Some buttons will perform different functions when clicked or held too. But, complicated as it may sound, it's all fairly simple and intuitive, so if you're used to PC controls, you'll pick these up in no time.

Basic Controls in PUBG for Xbox

Much to the surprise of few, the left stick controls your movement, and if you click it, you'll be able to sprint. The right stick controls the camera.

Lettered Buttons

Pubg Xbox Avg Dmg To Aim For Pc

For interacting with the environment, you'll tap the X button. But, if you need to reload, you'll hold the X button down. Y is for equipping or switching weapons, and holding it down unequips a weapon. The A button jumps (and that's it), while pressing B lets you crouch, and holding B makes you go prone.

The D-Pad

Pressing up on the D-pad equips a melee weapon, and pressing right equips or throws a throwable weapon. Left changes fire mode. Pressing down will change out a consumable item, while holding down uses it.


The Right Trigger is what you'll be using a lot, since it fires your weapon. Hold it down to chuck a grenade.

How to Aim Down Sights in PUBG

The Left Trigger is equally important, though.

To bring up your sights, just tap the left trigger on the controller. You don't have to hold it down to keep the sights up, either. They stay up until you tap the left trigger again.

Xbox PUBG Aiming Controls

Fortunately, the other aiming controls for the Xbox controller aren't difficult to pick up on either. Pressing up or down on the D-Pad increases or decreases zeroing, respectively, and pressing right will reset zeroing. Left changes your fire mode. The left stick is for moving, just like any other game, and the right stick lets you look around. Pressing either stick leans your character in that direction. Just as in normal control mode, pressing the Right Trigger fires your weapon, and if you hold it down, you'll toss a grenade.

How to Use a Scope

Using a scope goes hand-in-hand with aiming down sights. You'll use the left trigger just as if you were aiming down sights. But, you'll need to find a scope first and attach it to your chosen weapon. The easiest ways to find a scope are by exploring buildings or picking them up off of defeated players' bodies.

Map Controls

Press the view button to bring up or close your map (and B also closes it). You can zoom in or out by pressing up or down on the D-Pad, move the cursor with the right stick, and move the map by pressing the Right Bumper and moving the left stick. If you need to remove a marker, press Y.

Vehicle Controls

The Right Trigger accelerates, and the Left Trigger reverses. If you want a boost, press the Left Bumper, and if you need to change the camera, you'll use the Right Bumper. The left and right sticks are for movement and camera, as usual (but you can hold the left stick down to blow your horn, should you so choose).

The A button changes what seat you're in, and you can hold it down to select the driver's seat. Y activates the handbrake, and B has you exit the vehicle. X isn't used in this scheme.

Swimming Controls

Pubg Xbox Avg Dmg To Aim For Pc

The swimming control setup is fairly basic. Move with the left stick, and click it down to swim faster. Float by pressing A, dive with B, and interact with X.

Inventory Controls


The Xbox inventory controls are a bit more involved. You'll use the Right and Left Bumpers to move between columns in the inventory.The A button selects a weapon, then you'll find the slot where you want to place it, and press A again. X picks up items and ammo and puts them in your bag, and Y drops a selected item.

Pubg Xbox Avg Dmg To Aim For Windows 10

If you need to remove all attachments from a weapon, select that weapon and hold X. If you don't have room in the bag, select the weapon and hold Y to remove attachments and drop them on the ground.


Pubg Xbox Avg Dmg To Aim For Kids

Are you finding it difficult to get used to the XBox control scheme? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to check out our other PUBG guides!