Is Pyke Meant To Do Dmg 9.22

Hello there, new to pyke, new to pykemains, as the title says: after playing about 20 games by now I started wondering if I'm doing something wrong on pyke since my damage dealt is really low compared to my teammates and is roughly the same as an enemy alistar/nami supp or some sort of that. I know he brings a lot of utility and mobility with his kit, but considering I'm pretty much building. PLAYING AS PYKE. As Pyke, you’re a cutthroat who cripples and kills all who cross you—which is everyone you come across. Start by stalking your victims with a Ghostwater Dive, lurking right at the edge of their vision. Resurface with a swift Bone Skewer to butcher multiple enemies at point-blank range.


Is Pyke Meant To Do Dmg 9.22 Live

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Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor



Ranked #9 in
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You will usually crush her in lane since you can out harass her with ease, but from 6 and up her cc becomes a threat.


In lane you can win fairly easily because you have much more range than him. But be careful of getting burst down by Lucian, especially against a support like Lux or Zyra.


Bard is a very strong early game support who can help you dominate lane by offering damage,cc and health for sustain.


Nami is a great support to have in general, her heal heals and does damage in fights, she can give you additional damage, and you gain movement speed when she uses abilities on you. Her bubble and ultimate are also great engage tools.


Lulu can help you survive lane with a shield, but she really shines in the harass and fighting times.



Pyke is an amazing support with Draven becuase his ultimate, where the kill counts for both, resets draven stacks, giving him even more gold.


Draven is an ego maniac, he is very full of himself and very fun and satisfying to play with. Every kill is rewarded with a roar of the crowd, he keeps commenting on how great he is and keeps mentioning his own name.


- This rune is awesome on draven since he thrives on all ins, this means he will take advantage of the extra damage it offers since he will be looking for fight where he can all in 100 to zero the enemy.
- This rune is op and I take it on every adc except very safe adc's like maybe caitlyn, who I still usually take it on, enough said.

Is Pyke Meant To Do Dmg 9.22 Go

- I prefer to take this rune above LEGENDS: Bloodline because your trades are lengthy but not lengthy enough to take full advantage of this rune, atleast not in the early game, AS however can mean that one extra crucial auto in the early game.
- As Draven you will often be able to poke the enemy to a very low amount of health, but not always get the kill because of the tower, this is where your ult and this rune works well together. It also gives extra damage after a takedown if you hit multiple targets.

Is Pyke Meant To Do Dmg 9.22 Open

- This rune, expecially after the new rework works great with draven, you will be able to run it down mid, I mean chase the enemy without worrying that they will get away now.
- This rune is great on all adc's because it allows them to scale infinitely, keeping you in the game all game.


- This item is essential on , it allows
him to go all in like he often has to without worrying about
dying before he gets to pump out the damage

- If you are vs a squishy bot lane like and
this item is ideal and I recommend you build it
first almost always.

Pros vs Cons


    He is strong all game long
    He is very strong early and can dominate laning phase


    The items he has to buy are very expensive, making him spike later vs champions like

Skill Sequence

- This is the first ability you want to max since it reduces the mana cost to do maximum damage.
- This is the 2nd ability you want to max because it gives you great dueling power if you catch your axes, but the mana cost can become expensive.
- This is the last ability you want to max, because you will only use it once in duels or fights and also won't use it in lane.
- Default upgrade every chance you get.

Team Fighting

The hardest part of any adc's job is to survive in a team fight, luckily you have lots of mobility with your w to kite. If you are going to have to choose between a risky situation and dropping the axe, drop the axe and wait for the ability to be up again. Do not greed to catch axes.