Gyro Ball Does No Dmg

  1. I bought the gyro ball on advise from my massage therapist. At first try I thought it was a gimmick as it takes practice to get the rotor to move and then it took time to learn how to keep it going. Once I learned how to keep the ball going it was fun. The down fall is the string;- using the string was the only way I am able to get the ball.
  2. Unspinning the Mythical Gyroball: The Demon Miricle Pitch That Wasn't Link to an article, authored by Barry Petchesky, that appeared in Deadspin on October 29, 2013. This is mainly old news, but it does summarize the current thinking about the mythical gyroball and hopefully puts the matter to rest for all time.
Gyro Ball

Gyro Ball is a rather unique Steel Type move. As a TM, it is widely available for use. What makes it different? Like many other attacks, it depends on yours and your opponent's stats. However, as well as their Attack & Defense, the Base Power is calculate via different means.

Low Speed And High Defense. In order to maximize the power of Gyro Ball, make sure you have 0 Speed IVs!Your EVs should be funneled into HP & Defense for this build, but if you anticipate taking special damage, it's okay to put the Defense EVs into Sp.

Gyro Ball's Base Power is anything from 1 up to 150 making it a very powerful attack to be used. However, this is completely dependant on your Pokémon's Speed as well as the Speed of your target. First, the user & targets speeds are claculated. Their Speed Stat is taken into account as well as other effects such as previous attack effects that my have raised or lowered speed, whether the Pokémon is Paralyzed and whether or not it is holding an item that lowers Speed such as the Power Items used to train EVs or an Iron ball.

With these statistics now calculated, a simple equation is made to determine the base power of the attack

Gyro ball does no dmg look
    Base Power = 25 * (TargetSpeed / UserSpeed)

Gyro Ball Does No Dmg Look

With this equation, it is very easy to see that if the user has a considerably lower speed, due to being a slow Pokémon or just being unlucky and having had loads of attacks that have lowered speed used on it as well as being Paralyzed and holding an Iron Ball, it will do considerable damage. However, even if the Base Power calculation obtains an amount that is greater than 150, you will never have more than that. Add in the consideration of STAB if using a Steel Pokémon such as Magnezone, Bronzong or Steelix and it will easily defeat your foes