Not Updated For Current Season
Jul 24, 2014 The only thing that really counters Alistar is the true damage seeing that the ult doesn't protect you, but I personally think that Olaf is the worst to lane against, because of his ult that counters your CC and the true damage + heavy sustain at low HP, really hard champ.
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Chapter 1
this is my first guide and I'm not so good at english. alistar is my favorite champion.this built is how i play alistar so plz whrite some coments if you think i should play him another way.
i haven't work on this built so much but the items is good i think. (i play with those items)
hp runes. do i have because he can take more damagemagic pen runes. do i have because that makes him to damage more.
mana reg runes. di i have because then i can use his abilities more.
Summoner Spells
i play with flash and clarity.if you think that clarity is wrong so let me know.
flash is the best spell and it fits alistar.
what to buy
first i start with doran's ring because i want that sweet mana reg and hp.then i buy boots of speed and a sapphire crystal.
Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction Program
then i buy sheen and Ionian boots of lucididy and maybe a ruby crystal if i have enogh money.then i buy phage and try to build frozen mallet.
after this you can choose to buy frozen hart or thornmail or force of nature or abyssal scepter
decide what you whant to buy. if they have a feeded trynd or yi or ashe buy thornmail.
if they have veigar or karthus or some strong ap champion so buy force of nature.
if they have ap champs but your team is probably winning and you want to damage litle more buy abyssal scepter.
you can buy rylai's crystal scepterin late game.
Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction 1
this is my favorite part of alistar he have so many great combos that makes your teammates to get kills.PULVERIZE HEADBUTT HEAL first you run into them or flash and pulverize then you goes on the other side of them and headbutt you can knock them into an tower or just back to your teammates. then you heal with triumphant roar and got that boost from sheen and smash them with your basic attack.
headbutt pulverise heal it's the sae principe but when you headbutt you must headbutt the enemy into a wall or back the way that he would not run to because if you just knock him forward you will not going to get a pulverize on him and he will run away.
Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction 2
you can use your headbutt like a flash and jump to nearby minions or champs.
unbrakeble will pulverize headbutt heal start your ulti and pulverize the enemy in the tower range go on the other side of him and headbutt so your
team mates can attack him and you are taking the damage :)