Do People Want Finisher Dmg On Melee Riven

Of course there's going to be a moment where a DE programmer has one too many drinks while working and makes a riven challenge where you have to get 15 finishers on demolysts without taking damage with a dragon key equipped or something. It would be removed a few days later of course but I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK' thread, or anything in between, you can find it here.

  1. The 'I'm a noob and don't know anything about riven mods' guide to riven mods V 1.1 By つ ◕_◕ ༽つ.
  2. PART I What is a Riven Mod?
  3. Read This :
  4. TL;DR Riven mods are mods with random stats, up to 4
  5. Where do you get rivens?
  6. -Trades
  7. -Harrow/Gara/Octavia 's quest gives a meelee/Shotgun/Rifle mod on completion if you bought the respective frames before finishing the quest
  8. PART II 'Opening' a riven mod
  9. At first, riven mods are locked behind challenges which you need to unlock to obtain the riven stats. most of them are simple but there are also challenges which seems hard at first, but are easily cheeseable. Here are some tips:
  10. -Kill [x] with headshots while gliding => Use Limbo, Cata/Stasis, aim the head and shoot with projectile weapons (Bows comes to mind). Aim Glide and release Stasis. Do keep in mind you might miss even when you aim right, so just to be sure shoot at more than 3 targets. No Limbo? Use other frames with CC abilities ( slow, root, sleep, etc.) and use high fire rate weapons or weapons that has high piercing capabilities.
  11. -Complete a solo interception mission with level 30 or higher enemies with a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped. => this is a tricky one. movement speed is reduced but other than that (titania's razorwing, glide, jumping,etc.) still works. Doing an infested interception (Xini, Eris) is the best IMO, but do wherever you want
  12. -Complete a defense mission with level 30 or higher enemies without the defense objective taking any damage. => Frost or limbo if you're feeling insecure.
  13. -Complete an extermination mission with level 30 or higher enemies without being detected. => you can finish this by having a friend and let them finish the exterminate while you go hide, else just go use invisible frames.
  14. -Get [10-20] kills in a row while wall dashing or wall clinging without touching the floor. => frame abilities works too, you know what to do
  15. -Complete a survival mission with level 30 or higher enemies without killing anyone. => using Ivara and prowl is the best pacifist solution to this one.
  16. -Synthesize a Simaris target without using traps or abilities while having a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped. => the hardest of them all. Additional challenges includes not taking damage, not using any abilities, or being alone. being alone and not taking damage is cheeseable with invisible frames or Limbo. On the other hand, Not using any abilities is troublesome so you're better off using tanky frames (inaros,nidus, etc.) or Nezha for the increased mobility.
  17. -Catch one Fish, Mine one gem or metal, and kill one enemy in 30 seconds. => The Grineer Camp at Er-Phryah's Vigil is a solid choice. Lots of ores to mine, there's a pond for fishes and being a Grineer base means lots of Grineer.
  18. -Kill X wild animals with a fishing spear. => Might take a while on the plains due to the spawn rate of animals. Feral Kubrows and Kavats counts as wild animals if you are having a hard time on the plains. Just bring volt and charge your damage to max. If you insist on clearing this one on the plains, i suggest using harrow as his Condemn (1st skill) locks the animals in place without damaging them. Fishes doesn't count so don't get your hopes up.
  19. -Land X consecutive headshots while in Archwing mode in the Plains of Eidolon. => Using Amesha or Itzal is recommended as Tusk Hellions or Vruush Turrets can force you out of Archwing mode because of the missiles.
  20. -Kill X Dargyn Pilots before they hit the ground. => Mesa's Peacemaker is preferred here because of her auto-hit mechanic. Other frames like Ember and Mag is less effective because of their range.
  21. -Destroy X Dargyns with a bow. => The Dargyns in kuva fortress counts but not the ones on Archwing missions. Simply go to Koro (Assault) in Kuva Fortress, there will be several Dargyns shooting at you at the start of the mission.
  22. -Kill 3 Airborne Condrocs within 5 seconds. => A bit tricky. Having an Archwing helps in finding a flock, especially Itzal.
  23. Do note there are other challenges not listed here, such as killing enemies that are on a dropship, due to the reason that they are straightforward and easily completed.
  24. PART III Stats
  25. And we have arrived at the most important part, stats. A riven mod consists of 2-4 Mods, with a possible combination of 2-3 stats being positive and 1 stats being negative. The numbers on the riven depends on the disposition of the weapon, the more the better the numbers. You can see the full list here :
  26. As for the list of status on the rivens themselves:
  27. Mods Tier Notes
  28. Ammo Maximum 5 Useless on every weapon , unless you want to use primed chamber or doesn't use Vacuum
  29. Channeling Efficiency 5
  30. Finisher Damage 5 Finisher damage is usually too high you don't need a mod for it
  31. Zoom 5 Avoid positive at all cost
  32. Damage vs. Corpus 4 You're better off using other damage boosts unless you're using a certain faction build
  33. Damage vs. Grineer 4 You're better off using other damage boosts unless you're using a certain faction build
  34. Damage vs. Infested 4 You're better off using other damage boosts unless you're using a certain faction build
  35. Status Duration 4
  36. Flight Speed 4 Only available on projectile type weapons
  37. Impact Damage 3
  38. Puncture Damage 3
  39. Electric Damage 2
  40. Fire Rate / Attack Speed 2
  41. Critical Chance (CC) 1 Works best on critical weapons (>=20% critical chance)
  42. Critical Chance on Slide Attack 1 Basically maiming strike
  43. Critical Damage (CD) 1 Works best on critical weapons (>=20% critical chance)
  44. Status Chance 1 Works best on status weapons and an elemental mod (>=20% status chance)
  45. Base Damage 0
  46. Range 0
  47. Legend:
  48. 4 => A specific situational mod. Okay to get minus.
  49. 3 => Situational but powerful on specific weapons. For IPS you can get a minus on the lowest damage type to avoid a big loss of DPS
  50. or go for the highest one to change the primary damage type.
  51. 2 => Powerful mods and a nice addition to every weapon.
  52. 1 => A Situational and recommended mod. Always get if possible
  53. Do note that these points are from my POV. Feel free to adjust to your liking. The lower the point the better for it to be negative
  54. You can also choose to reroll your riven mod if it's not to your liking, witha fixed cost of kuvas, depending on how many times you have rerolled (you can see on the lower right of your riven), with the costs as follows:
  55. 1 900
  56. 3 1200
  57. 5 1700
  58. 7 2350
  59. 9 3150
  60. The price is fixed at 3500 once you have rerolled 10+
  61. PART IV Builds
  62. Due to the nature of rivens, there are some possible builds that could work only with rivens. An example of this is a critical Ignis Wraith with a +CC mod. How this works is that rivens are more effective than normal mods like point strike and argon scope, and stackable with them, allowing you to use weapons with build that are impossible without rivens.
  63. There are several conditions to consider when making a certain build with a riven :
  64. -Critical-based builds : At least 15% critical chance not including a +cc riven (20-25% without critical chance on your riven) to easily proc criticals and at least 2x critical damage without a riven
  65. -Status-based weapons : At least 15% Status chance (20-25% without status chance on your riven) not including a +sc riven to consistently proc status chance.
  66. -Pure elemental only weapons : No physical (IPS/Impact Puncture Slash) damage on riven. Global damage is fine.
  67. -Melee : +Range is preferrable on
  68. PART V Prices
  69. So you're opening the trade chat tab, wanting to sell your riven, but don't know about the price? You've come to the right place!
  70. But first, read this
  71. Done? Good.
  72. Didn't read it? you should. If you still haven't read it, basically what you do is you list a riven and just ask for offers. From there you can get a general sense of things. If you're still confused :
  73. - Shit mods (+zoom, -Base damage and so on) goes for <100p
  74. - Unveiled mod goes for roughly 40/40/80/40 (rifle/secondary/shotgun/melee)as of this guide
  75. - Good mods (low tier weapon but good mods and the opposite) goes for 200-400p
  76. - perfect mods goes for +600p
  77. Will be updated as needed
  78. Version Date Description
  79. V 1.1 03/04/2018 Guide updated with Plains of Eidolon challenges,a few tweaks, and a build section.

Aura mods:

Mod:Description:Polarity:Price on
Corrosive projectionEnemy armor reduced by 30% at max rank– Polarity 10-15 plat
Loot DetectorMini-map shows loot-crates +30 loot radar– Polarity 15 plat
Energy SiphonWarframe energy regeneration +0.6 rate– Polarity 10-20 plat
Rifle AmpRifle damage increased +27%V Polarity 10 plat
Steel ChargeMelee weapon damage increased +60%V Polarity 10 plat

NOTE:Aura mods increase amount of total mod-slots available to mod with on your warframe if the Polarity is matching the polarity your warframe have (can be changed by forma) – it actually doubles the capacity of the aura mod so if you have say 7 capacity on your aura mod, you GAIN 14 extra mod capacity for your warframe – hence the importance of matching polarities on aura mod slot.

Also note that Aura mods such as Corrosive Projection as well as Shield Disrupt and Energy Siphon are auras that stack within a group – if all have it they all stack with each other!

Corrosive Projection is a must-have for all missions vs. higher-level enemies that you need to kill – if all in team has it basically removes all their armor making them so much easier to kill.

Energy Siphon is useful for Passive energy regeneration – I personally think its useful for Spy missions when I go Loki and don’t want to run out so easily of energy.

Augmentation mods:

Pilfering SwarmHydroidEnemies killed by tentacle swarm has 100% chance of dropping extra lootCephalon Suda/New Loka
Chilling GlobeFrostEnemies that enter globe have a 50% chance of become frozen solid for 8sCephalon Suda/Steel meridian
Chromatic bladeExcaliburExalted blade damage type changes with energy color + higher status chanceSteel meridian/Arbiters of Hexis
Freeze ForceFrostCasting Freeze on ally adds +100% cold damage to their attacks for 40sCephalon Suda/Steel meridian
Shock trooperVoltCasting Shock on ally adds +100% electrical dmg to their attacks for 40sArbiters of Hexis/Red Veil
Vampire LeechTrinityEnergy vampire (EV) excess energy replenish shields by 150%The Perrin Sequence/New Loka

NOTE:All augmentation mods platinum prices on seem to be around 15 plat on the day of writing the article, and all augmentation mods cost 25k standing with syndicates.

There probably are a lot more useful augmentation mods – but these are the ones we have used quite a lot ourselves so far – feel free to give us suggestions to our email however if you wish us to extend this list :) Keep in mind that the mods you suggest should preferably serve a useful purpose – all but chromatic blade above help groups to farm in one way or another.

Exilus mods:

Mod:What it gives (description) price
Cunning Drift+12% slide, -30% friction +15% ability rangeV Polarity10 plat
Enemy Sense+30 enemy radar– Polarity3 plat
Handspring+160% faster knockdown recovery– Polarity5 plat
Power Drift+15% ability strength +30% knockdown resistance= Polarity7 plat
Rush+30% Sprint speed– Polarity2 plat
Thief’s Wit+42 Loot radar– Polarity2 plat

Do People Want Finisher Dmg On Melee Riven Game

NOTE:Prices are relative to the time of writing this article.

Regular (includes corrupted) must-have warframe mods: price
Continuity+30% Ability DurationV Polarity8 plat
Flow+150% Energy Max– Polarity2 plat
Blind rage+99% Ability strength, -55% Ability efficiencyV polarity20 plat
Constitution+40% Knockdown recovery, +28% Ability duration– Polarity10 plat
Intensify+30% Ability strengthV Polarity3 plat
Narrow Minded+99% Ability duration, -66% Ability rangeD Polarity 25 plat
Natural TalentImproves casting speed of warframe abilities +50%– Polarity 7 plat
Overextended+90% Ability range, -60% Ability strengthD Polarity 20 plat
Quick thinkingDrains energy to stop lethal damage with 240% efficiencyD Polarity 10 plat
Streamline+30% Ability efficiency (lower energy cost)– Polarity 2 plat
Transient Fortitude+55% Ability strength, -27.5% Ability durationV Polarity 40 plat
Stretch+45% Ability range– Polarity 2 plat
Redirection+440% Shield CapacityD Polarity 1 plat
Steel Fiber+110% ArmorD Polarity 2 plat
Vitality+440% HealthD Polarity 2 plat
Health ConversionHealth orbs grant +450 armor, stacking up to 3 times. Taking dmg consumes a stack after 3sD Polarity60 plat

NOTE:Primed versions of mods REQUIRE 1’000’000 (million) credits(!) to trade with other players! So if you’re buying, you better have 1 million credits PER Prime Mod.

For more information about existing warframe mods, you can visit the page for it.

Mod:Description:PolarityPrice on
Combustion beamEnemies killed explode dealing +600 damage shortly after deathV Polarity 4 plat

NOTE: These mods above work for all Primarys.

Rifle mods:

Do People Want Finisher Dmg On Melee Riven 2

Mod:DescriptionPolarityprice on
Serration+165% damageV Polarity 2 plat
Split Chamber+90% MultishotV Polarity 4 plat
Speed Trigger+60% Fire rate (x2 for bows)V Polarity 2 plat
Heavy Caliber+155% damage, – (minus) 55% AccuracyV Polarity 25 plat
Hellfire+90% Heat damage– Polarity 5 plat
Cryo Rounds+90% Cold damageD Polarity 2 plat
Stormbringer+90% Electricity damage– Polarity 4 plat
Infected Clip+90% Toxin damage– Polarity 2 plat
Malignant Force+60% Toxin damage, +60% status chanceV Polarity 8 plat
Fanged Fusillade+120% Slash damage– Polarity 40 plat
Fast Hands+30% Reload speed– Polarity 1-4 plat
Piercing Hit+30% Puncture damage– Polarity 1-5 plat
Rifle Ammo MutationConverts unused ammo into rifle ammo (pistol becomes 8, sniper/shotgun 15)– Polarity 4 plat
Vile Acceleration+90% Fire rate (x2 for bows), – (minus) 15% damage– Polarity 12 plat
Bane of Corpus+30% damage to corpusV Polarity 2 plat
Hammer Shot+60% Critical damage, +40% status chanceD Polarity 5 plat
Bane of Grineer+30% damage to grineerV Polarity 5 plat
Bane of Infested+30% damage to infestedV Polarity 2-6 plat
Point Strike+150% Critical chanceV Polarity 3 plat
Rime Rounds+60% cold damage, +60% status chanceV Polarity 10 plat
Shred+30% Fire rate (x2 for bows), + 1.2 “punch through”V Polarity 5 plat
Thermite Rounds+60% heat damage, +60% status chanceV Polarity 8 plat
Vital Sense+120% Critical damageV Polarity 4 plat
Wildfire+20% Magazine capacity, +60% heat damageV Polarity 2 plat

NOTE:Rifle mods except for ammo mutation also works for bows(!).

Shotgun mods:

Mod:Description:Polarity:Price on
Hell’s Chamber+120% MultishotV Polarity 2 plat
Point Blank+90% damageV Polarity 2 plat
Chilling Grasp+90% cold damageD Polarity 2 plat
Charged Shell+90% electricity damage– Polarity4 plat
Blunderbuss+90% critical chanceV Polarity3 plat
Accelerated Blast+60% fire rate, + 60% punctureV Polarity 2 plat
Blaze+60% damage, + 60% heat damageV Polarity 6 plat
Scattering Inferno+60% heat, +60% status chanceV Polarity 20 plat
Ammo Stock+60% Magazine capacity– Polarity 10-20 plat
Contagious Spread+90% Toxin– Polarity 4 plat
Flechette+30% puncture damage– Polarity 1 plat
Incendiary Coat+90% heat damage– Polarity 2 plat
Shredder+30% Slash– Polarity 3 plat
Tactical Pump+30% Reload Speed– Polarity 2-5 plat
Shotgun ammo mutationConverts unused ammo pickups to shotgun ammo– Polarity 2 plat
Cleanse Corpus+30% damage to corpusV Polarity 7 plat
Cleanse Grineer+30% damage to grineerV Polarity 7 plat
Cleanse Infested+30% damage to infestedV Polarity 1-3 plat
Cleanse Corrupted+30% damage to corrupted (void)V polarity39-50 plat
Frigid Blast+60% cold damage, + 60% status chanceV Polarity 10 plat
Ravage+60% Critical damageV Polarity 2 plat
Shotgun Spazz+90% fire rateV Polarity 4 plat
Seeking Fury+15% Reload speed, +1.2 “punch through”V Polarity 3 plat
Toxic Barrage+60% toxin damage, +60% status chanceV Polarity 6 plat
Vicious Spread+90% damage, + 60% spreadV Polarity 12 plat

Bow mods:

Mod:Description:Polarity:Price on
Arrow MutationConvert unused ammo pickup into arrow ammo– Polarity 2 plat

NOTE:Everywhere where you can see exact numbers means numbers at MAX RANK.

For more information about existing warframe mods, you can visit the page for it.

Mod:Description:Polarity:Price on
Barrel Diffusion120% multishotV Polarity5 plat
Deep Freeze+90% cold damageD Polarity5 plat
Hornet Strike+220% damageV Polarity2 plat
Lethal Torrent+60% fire-rate, +60% multishotV Polarity5 plat
Convulsion+90% electricity damage– Polarity2 plat
Scorch+60% heat damage, +60% status chanceV Polarity7 plat
Ruinous Extension+8 range– Polarity15-20 plat
Pistol Pestilence+60% toxin damage, +60% status chanceV Polarity5 plat
Pathogen Rounds+90% toxin damage– Polarity10 plat
Anemic Agility+90% fire-rate, -15% damage– Polarity5 plat
Concussion Rounds+60% Impact damage– Polarity2 plat
Heated Charge+90% heat damage– Polarity3 plat
Hollow Point+60% crit damage, -15% damage– Polarity5 plat
Maim+120% Slash damage– Polarity60 plat (right after void trader)
No Return+60% Puncture damage– Polarity4 plat
Pistol ammo mutationConverts unused ammo to pistol ammo– Polarity3 plat
Quickdraw+48% reload speed– Polarity4 plat
Razor Shot+60% Slash damage– Polarity3 plat
Slip Magazine+30% Magazine capacity– Polarity3 plat
Steady Hands-60% Weapon recoil– Polarity2 plat
Stunning Speed+40% reload speed, +10% status chance– Polarity2 plat
Expel Grineer+30% damage to grineerV Polarity5 plat
Expel Corpus+30% damage to corpusV Polarity30 plat
Expel Infested+30% damage to infestedV Polarity3 plat
Expel Corrupted+30% damage to corruptedV Polarity25-40 plat
Frostbite+60% cold damage, +60% status chanceV Polarity5 plat
Gunslinger+72% fire-rateV Polarity4 plat
Pistol Gambit+120% critical chanceV Polarity3 plat
Target Cracker+60% crit damageV Polarity6 plat

Stance mods:

Mod:Used for:Polarity:Price on
Bleeding WillowPolearms– Polarity 3 plat
Blind JusticePolearms– Polarity 3 plat
Brutal TideSparring– Polarity 5 plat
Burning WaspsWhipsD Polarity 2 plat
Clashing ForestStavesV Polarity 4 plat
Cleaving WhirlwindHeavy BladeD Polarity 4 plat
Coiling ViperWhips= Polarity 2 plat
Crossing SnakesDual Swords– Polarity 2 plat
Crushing RuinHammersV Polarity 20 plat
Decisive JudgementNikanasV Polarity 5 plat
Defiled SnapdragonBlade & WhipV Polarity 4 plat
Eleventh StormSword & ShieldV Polarity 10 plat
Flailing BranchStaves<- Polarity 5 plat
Fracturing WindFist<- Polarity 1 plat
Gaia’s TragedyFistD Polarity 3 plat
Gemini CrossTonfasV Polarity 2 plat
Gleaming TalonGlaives– Polarity 10 plat
Gnashing PayaraDual Daggers<- Polarity 3 plat
Grim FurySparring<- Polarity 3 plat
Homing FangDaggers– Polarity 3 plat
Iron PhoenixSwords<- Polarity 2 plat
Malicious RaptorClawsV Polarity 10 plat
Pointed WindDaggersV Polarity 4 plat
Reaping SpiralScythes– Polarity 1 plat
Rending CraneHeavy BladeV Polarity 15-25 plat
Seismic PalmFistsD Polarity 2 plat
Shattering StormHammersD Polarity 7 plat
Shimmering BlightPolearms= Polarity 5 plat
Sinking TalonDual Daggers= Polarity 2 plat
Sovereign OutcastTonfas– Polarity 10 plat
Spinning NeedleDual DaggersD Polarity 2 plat
Stalking FanScythes= Polarity 10 plat
Sundering WeaveMachetes= Polarity 1 plat
Swirling TigerDual Swords= Polarity 3 plat
Tempo RoyaleHeavy BladeD Polarity 30 plat
Tranquil CleaveNikanasV Polarity 7 plat
Vengeful RevenantSwordsV Polarity 100-130 plat
Vulpine MaskRapiers– Polarity 4 plat

Regular Melee mods:

Mod:Description:Polarity:Price on
Berserker +30% attack speed (max 75%) for +24s on Critical hitV Polarity15 plat
Fever Strike+90% Toxin damage– Polarity3 plat
Blood Rush+165% critical chance stacks with combo multiplierV Polarity25 plat
True Steel+60% Critical chanceV Polarity5 plat
Body CountIncrease Combo Duration by +12s– Polarity30 plat
Pressure Point+120% Melee damageV Polarity4 plat
Molten Impact+90% Heat damage– Polarity3 plat
Jagged Edge+90% Slash damage– Polarity5 plat
Auger Strike+120% Puncture damage– Polarity25 plat
Buzz Kill+120% Slash damage– Polarity60 plat (after void trader)
Heavy Trauma+90% Impact damage– Polarity2 plat
Reflex Coil+60% Channeling Efficiency– Polarity3 plat
Rending Strike+60% Slash damage, +80% Puncture damage– Polarity4 plat
Shocking Touch+90% Electricity damage– Polarity3 plat
Sundering Strike+90% Puncture damage– Polarity4 plat
Life Strike+20% life steal, -140% channeling efficiencyD Polarity15 plat
North Wind+90% Cold damageD Polarity3 plat
Corrupt Charge+100% Channeling damage, -40% Channeling EfficiencyV Polarity4 plat
Finisher Touch+60% Finisher damageV Polarity3 plat
Focus Energy40% Channeling efficiency, +60% effiencyV Polarity5 plat
Fury30% Attack speedV Polarity2 plat
Killing Blow+120% Channeling damageV Polarity4 plat
Organ Shatter+90% Crit damageV Polarity3 plat
Reach+60% rangeV Polarity4 plat
Smite Corpus+30% damage to corpusV Polarity5 plat
Smite Infested+30% damage to infestedV Polarity4 plat
Smite Grineer+30% damage to grineerV Polarity5 plat
Smite Corrupted+30% damage to corruptedV Polarity25 plat
Spoiled Strike+100% Damage, -20% Attack speedV Polarity4 plat
Vicious Frost+60% Cold damage, +60% Status chanceV Polarity8 plat
Virulent Scourge+60% Toxin damage, +60% Status chanceV Polarity7 plat
Volcanic Edge+60% Heat damage, +60% Status chanceV Polarity6 plat
Mod:Description:PolarityPrice on
Coolant LeakSentinel has a 3m freeze aura, slowing incoming enemies1 Polarity10 plat
Accelerated Deflection+90% Shield RechargeD Polarity5 plat
Animal Instinct+30 Loot radar, +18 Enemy radar– Polarity4 plat
GuardianBoost’s owners shield by 100% when it runs out1 Polarity4 plat
Calculated redirection+275% Shield CapacityD Polarity2 plat
SanctuaryCreates a shield with x health around the player when he is reviving alliesD Polarity5 plat
Enhanced Vitality+220% HealthD Polarity4 plat
Metal Fiber+110% ArmorD Polarity5 plat
VacuumDetects and collects items within 11.5m for its master, including mods1 Polarity5 plat
RegenIf killed, Regenerates 1x with 100% Max Health and is invulnerable for 6s1 Polarity2 plat
Mod:Description:Polarity:Price on
Bite +330% Critical chance, +220% Critical damageV Polarity 30 plat
Link Health +165% health-linkD Polarity 10 plat
Link Armor +110% armor-linkD Polarity 10 plat
Link Shields +110% shield-linkD Polarity 7 plat
Maul +330% Melee damageV Polarity 7 plat
Pack LeaderHeals your pet for a percentage of the damage you deal with your melee attacks. +x% lifesteal-linkV Polarity 4 plat
Scavenge+90% chance of pet to pry open locked locker1 Polarity 4 plat
ShelterCreates a shield with x health around the player when they are reviving fallen alliesD Polarity 5 plat

NOTE: Augment mods that come with certain kubrows are not included because they are exclusive to one type of kubrow.

Do People Want Finisher Dmg On Melee Riven Skin

Mod:Description:Polarity:Price on
Argon Plating+90% armorD Polarity 4 plat
Efficient Transferral+30% Ability DurationD Polarity 7 plat
Energy Inversion+120% Shield CapacityD Polarity 9 plat
Enhanced Durability+150% healthD Polarity 7 plat
Superior Defenses+100% shield rechargeD Polarity 5 plat
System Reroute+55% Ability Efficiency– Polarity 20 plat

Do People Want Finisher Dmg On Melee Riven Download

Archwing Gun mods

Mod:Description:Polarity:Price on
Comet Blast+90% Impact damage– Polarity10 plat
Electrified Barrel+120% Electricity damage– Polarity30 plat
Hollowed Bullets+60% Crit damageV Polarity5 plat
Magazine Extension+60% Magazine capacity– Polarity2 plat
Parallax Scope+80% Crit chance– Polarity3 plat
Polar Magazine+120% Cold damageD Polarity4 plat
Rubedo-Lined Barrel+60% damageV Polarity4 plat
Venomous Clip+120% Toxin damageD Polarity8 plat

Archwing Melee mods

Do People Want Finisher Dmg On Melee Riven Pc

Mod:Description:Polarity:Price on
Bleeding Edge+110% Crit damageV Polarity5 plat
Cutting Edge+60% Melee damageV Polarity4 plat
Extend+80% RangeV Polarity5 plat
Furor+10% Attack speedV Polarity5 plat
Galvanized Blade+120% Electricity damage– Polarity5 plat
Glacial Edge+120% Cold damageD Polarity5 plat
Meteor Crash+90% Impact damage– Polarity8 plat
Poisonous Sting+120% Toxin damage– Polarity10 plat
Tempered Blade+150% Critical chanceV Polarity5 plat
Do people want finisher dmg on melee riven pc
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