Dnd5e Base Gods In Dmg

Most Wealth is not in coins. It is measured in livestock, grain, land, rights to collect taxes, or rights to resources (such as a mine or a forest).

Sep 01, 2018  D&D magic item: Throne of the Gods (not used in the DMG) September 1, 2018 Zoltar D&D magic item we painted for 5E: Throne of the Gods (not used in the DMG and wasn't developed further). Rarity, varies A spell scroll bears the words of a single spell, written in a mystical cipher. If the spell is on your class’s spell list, you can read the scroll and cast its spell without providing any material components. Conflict between Gods and mortals need to take place on a different axis. Mcguffins work, but so can scheming with other gods who want to mess with the order of things, so can fighting or attacking proxies that tether the power of the gods to the material plane, or even desecrating holy (or unholy) grounds that provide gods with their power.

Guilds, nobles, and royalty regulate trade. Chartered companies are granted rights to conduct trade along certain routes, to send merchant ships to various ports, or to buy or sell specific goods. Guilds set prices for the goods or Services that they control, and determine who may or may not offer those goods and Services. Merchants commonly exchange trade goods without using Currency. The Trade Goods table shows the value of commonly exchanged goods.
Trade Goods
1 cp1 lb. of wheat
2 cp1 lb. of flour or one chicken
5 cp1 lb. of salt
1 sp1 lb. of iron or 1 sq. yd. of canvas
5 sp1 lb. of copper or 1 sq. yd. of cotton cloth
1 gp1 lb. of ginger or one goat
2 gp1 lb. of cinnamon or pepper, or one sheep
3 gp1 lb. of cloves or one pig
5 gp1 lb. of silver or 1 sq. yd. of linen
10 gp1 sq. yd. of silk or one cow
15 gp1 lb. of saffron or one ox
50 gp1 lb. of gold
500 gp1 lb. of platinum

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  • 1Deities


Greater Deities

Dnd5e Base Gods In Dmg Download

Aba Lawful GoodLife, Light, Protection
Aberro Chaotic NeutralLife, Trickery
Aethon Sol Lawful GoodLight, War
Agethle chaotic,neutralDeath
Akatosh NeutralDragon, Light, Time
Arantar LGPeace
Arceus Neutral GoodLife, Nature
Argentahl True NeutralKnowledge, Life
Avia Lawful goodAir, Love
Axaris Lawful GoodLife, Light
Azorius Chaotic NeutralKnowledge, Magic
Azzdan Neutral GoodKnowledge, Light, Tempest
Baestril Lawful GoodKnowledge
Balasar Chaotic GoodKnowledge, Tempest
Barensu True NeutralAn'evor, Creation, Destruction, Balance, Harmony, Destiny
Betty Neutral EvilDeath, War
Boxel Chaotic NeutralWar
Castor NeutralLife
Celeste Neutral GoodLife, Light
Corad Lawful EvilKnowledge, Chaos
Dalsethel GoodDeath, Light
Dan D. UnalignedAll
Darstar Lawful GoodLight
Death Chaotic NeutralDeath
Delirium Chaotic GoodKnowledge
Desire Chaotic EvilKnowledge, Trickery
Desmaduke Neutral GoodLife, Light, Nature
Despair Chaotic EvilTrickery
Destiny True NeutralKnowledge, Life
Destruction Lawful GoodWar
Deus Lawful GoodArcana, Forge, Life, Light, Tempest, War
Devin Duval Lawful GoodKnowledge, Trickery
Diabolus Lawful EvilArcana, Death, Forge, Trickery, War
Dolor Neutral EvilWar, Death
Dream Lawful NeutralKnowledge, Trickery
Dukagsh Lawful EvilKnowledge, War
Duna Neutral GoodEarth, Hope.
Eon True NeutralBalance
Eternal Creation Lawful NeutralCreation, Light, Order
Eternal Destruction Chaotic NeutralDestruction, Darkness, Chaos
Eternal Space Chaotic NeutralSpace, Knowledge, Luck
Etheria Lawful GoodLife, Light
Flahjje (Raesokera Supplement)Chaotic NeutralDeath, Nature
Gary the Great Chaotic GoodFate, Freedom, Packers
Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster Chaotic GoodKnowledge
Glace Chaotic GoodIce, Friendship
Hailix Neutral GoodChaos, Time
Hamity Neutral GoodLife, Light
Harriot Ainsley NeutralKnowledge, Death, Cooking
Horus Lawful GoodLight, War
Iris True NeutralKnowledge, Light
Jeff the Cockroach Chaotic NeutralTrickery, insanity, knowledge, power, magic, Creation
K'os Chaotic EvilDeath, Evil, Chaos
Kalatl Chaotic GoodArcana, Knowledge, Trickery
Kaliber Lawful GoodLaw, Life
Kara Lawful NeutralKnowledge
Ke Kī Neutral goodLightning, Storms, Knowledge
Kilthertis Neutral EvilTrickery
Kodkod Chaotic GoodLife,Nature
Kom chaotic neutralstorms, war, battle, rage
Kuluth Lawful GoodDeath, Life
Limera Neutral EvilWar
Linxoran Chaotic EvilDeath, Trickery
Lords of the Ten Towers unaligned*Knowledge, Trickery
Luna Chaotic NeutralDeath, Tempest
Machina Lawful NeutralForge, Grave, Life, Death, Knowledge
Marligya Chaotic EvilTrickery
Mercedes NeutralLight, Trickery
Mirad NEDeath, Disease, Trickery
Monolyth unaligned*Knowledge, Life
Mordicai Chaotic EvilNo clerics
Mortem Chaotic EvilDeath
Musubi Neutral GoodLife
Neero Seess Chaotic GoodKnowledge, War
Netrous lawful, neutralLife
Noctem True NeutralDeath
Noctra Lawful GoodDarkness, Night, Moon
Oakider Lawful NeutralNature
PC God NeutralEquality, Neutrality
Palutena Lawful GoodKnowledge, Light
Pheyus Detar Neutral EvilCreation & Rage
Pollux NeutralDeath
Primus Chaotic NeutralExistence, Things of the Past, Things of the Present, Things of the Future
Pyr'in Chaotic GoodFire, Courage
Regonos Lawful GoodWar
Rune unaligned*Light, War
Sanctuary unaligned*Death, Life
Scalan Chaotic NeutralFire, Life, Light
Shalmao Lawful GoodNature, Knowledge
Sigismund Lawful GoodLight, War
Silvanus NeutralNature
Skipper True NeutralTempest, Trickery
Sol Chaotic GoodLife, Light
Sol en victus unaligned*death, war, soldiers, victory
Solé Lawful GoodLight
Spolus chaotic,goodearth
Taranil Chaotic NeutralMagic, Arcana
Tempa Lawful GoodTime
Terminus Lawful anythingOrder, Borders
The Dungeon Master True NeutralLife, Death, Destiny, Knowledge
The Final Pam Chaotic PamDeath, War
The Flying Spaghetti Monster Chaotic GoodKnowledge
The Force NeutralKnowledge, Life, Light, Nature, War
The Giant Cosmic Creator Spoon at the Edge of the Universe True NeutralLife, Death, Knowledge, Baking
The Great Eye Chaotic NeutralDeath, Knowledge
The Mana Lawful GoodLife, Death, Virtue
The Outsider
The Rainbow Serpent Lawful GoodLife, Nature
The Shadow which Lurks at the Edge of the Light UnalignedDeath
The Stars Any Good alignmentTempest, Nature
The Sun Lawful GoodLight, Life
The Un-Maker Chaotic EvilDeath
Theodore Lawful GoodPurity, Protection
Thánatos Chaotic NeutralChaos
Tomai Lawful GoodNature, Life
Trigon Chaotic EvilTrickery, War
Unified Power Lawful NeutralKnowledge, Life
Vahohllesh Lawful GoodWar, Life, Knowledge, Light
Vita Lawful NeutralLaw
Voltron Chaotic GoodWar, Knowledge
Vontra True NeutralDeath, Knowledge, Life, Warlock
Willehuam Chaotic GoodHonor, Justice
Xania the Old True NeutralAll
Yurot lawful, evilWar
Zarakal Chaotic EvilDeath, Vengeance

Lesser Deities

Aajill Neutral EvilNature
Abaddon True ChaoticChaos, Unpredictability, Creation
Ainz Ooal Gown Chaotic NeutralDeath, War
Akarushi Lawful NeutralLight
Algamet Lawful GoodTime, Knowledge
Altzmyr Neutral GoodKnowledge, Life, Undeath
Angra Mainyu Chaotic EvilTrickery, Destruction, Darkness
Aniath NeutralTrickery
Ansenia True NeutralSanity
Antheon Lawful EvilDarkness, Death
Arffur The Greatest Farmer Knight Chaotic GoodLife, Nature
Arista Chaotic GoodLife
Az-eal Chaotic NeutralDeath, War
Azerand Lawful GoodKnowledge, Nature
Aëgrar Chaotic GoodKnowledge, Life
Candeta Neutral GoodLight, Life
Cravenos Chaotic EvilAvarice, Trickery
Darvid Chaotic NeutralTrickery
Dialga Chaotic NeutralLife, Death
Durm Chaotic GoodKnowledge
Duurk neutral eviltempest death
Ed True NeutralStrength, War, Idiocy, Buttered Toast, and Agriculture
Eliar Chaotic NeutralTrickery
Eris Chaotic NeutralTrickery
Ethraee Lawful NeutralSun, Moon
Findinisus Lawful GoodWar
Giratina Chaotic NeutralDeath, Trickery
Grom-Grolar Neutral EvilKnowledge, War
Gurdijeff Lawful GoodEarth
Ha'a'a Chaotic GoodDeath, Life, Trickery
Havlok Neutral GoodNature, War
Ho-Oh Neutral GoodLife, Light
Hogar lawful evilwar
Hükatak Lawful NeutralGrave, Temptest
Jashin Chaotic Evil.Death, War
K NeutralKnowledge
Kaltor Lawful NeutralTempest
Kineua - The Faceless Queen Chaotic EvilLife, Trickery
Kor Nasson Chaotic NeutralTrickery, Knowledge
Lagga lawful neutralgrave protection
Lake Guardians Knowledge, Life
Laneth Lawful EvilCold, Undeath
Laurrott of the Bleeding Skies Chaotic EvilTempest
Levert Lawful GoodWar
Libra NGOne or two from this list: Life, Love, Light
Lilith Chaotic GoodWild
Lily Nuetral GoodNature
Lollad Neutral GoodTempest
Lonacti Chaotic NeutralTempest, War
Lugia Neutral GoodTempest, Nature
Magga Lawful neutrallife light
Makanda True NeutralKnowledge
Malolo Neutral EvilDeath
Mannad Neutral GoodNature, War
Midel Neutral GoodLife, Light
Mornadest Neutral EvilTrickery
Morthos chaotic Evil
Muama Lawful EvilDeath, Trickery
Nameless the Double Fae Gnome NoneExistence
Nightingale Chaotic GoodDeath, Grief
Niuf Lawful EvilControl, Stasis, Strength
Nukell Chaotic EvilWar
Otygot Neutral GoodLife, Nature
Outrider NeutralTravel, Information
Ova Chaotic GoodTrickery
Palkia Chaotic NeutralTempest, Life
Paul Mustache Chaotic NeutralDeath, Trickery
Promethus Chaotic GoodLife
Qepltep Chaotic GoodTrickery
Ratatoskr Neutral GoodLife
Remulo Neutral GoodLife, Knowledge
Rukagsh Lawful NeutralKnowledge, Arcana
Secretist Lawful NeutralKnowledge
Shay Phobos GoodLife, Light
Sheggen lawful neutralforge knowlege
Sirius Chaotic GoodTempest, War
Snofach True NeutralLight
Tangarita Lawful NeutralNature, War
Teal Downcast Lawful GoodLife, Nature, War
Terrazitch Neutral EvilTrickery, Death
Thanasia NeutralDeath
The Ashen Tree NeutralDeath, Knowledge
The Chain Chaotic NeutralDeath, War
The Forest Lord Neutral GoodLife, Nature
The Kube (5e Diety)True NeutralWar, Knowledge
The Observer CNDeath, Knowledge
The Rainbow Serpent Lawful GoodLife, Nature
The Violet Emperor Neutral EvilKnowledge
Tlollat Neutral EvilDeath
Torog Neutral EvilWar,Death
Tortellini Shepard Neutral GoodLife, Light
Tougal Neutral GoodWar
Treeba neutrallife nature
Varrenon Chaotic GoodDeath, Life, Nature
Veranox Chaotic Neutralknowledge, war
Vidfur Chaotic GoodTrickery, light
Yarx Lawful EvilWar
Zentaur Nclouds, air


'Bob' Chaotic NeutralKnowledge, Trickery
Anansi Lawful EvilKnowledge, Trickery
Artemis Chaotic NeutralNature and Death
Celebi Chaotic GoodNature, Life
Garanox Lawful GoodWar
Gob and Lob Chaotic NeutralTrickery, Nature
Ira, Prince of Wrath Chaotic EvilDark, Wrath
Legendary Beasts Chaotic neutralNature, Tempest
Legendary Birds Chaotic neutralNature, Tempest
Mew Chaotic neutralKnowledge, Trickery
Mewtwo Chaotic NeutralTrickery, War
Orn Chaotic GoodKnowledge
Pij the God of Canoes NeutralTempest
Quicksilver Chaotic GoodNature, Magic
Sudar Mas Chaotic EvilTempest
The Fiddler in the Red Fog Chaotic EvilTrickery
The twins GoodDeath, Nature


Grund the Worldshaper Lawful goodNature, Stone
Hecate Chaotic NeutralDeath, Trickery
Ivo Lawful (Any)Life, Tempest
Shadow Lawful EvilDeath
Soulgar Lawful EvilDeath, Life
The Nameless Flame Neutal EvilFire
The World Serpent True NeutralNature, Knowledge
Vulodin Chaotic GoodLight, Nature


Adoeak Serpenthelm True NeutralTrickery
Alea Chaotic goodTrickery
Algoron Lawful NeutralTime
Devondale Duval NeutralLife, Nature
Eihwaz Chaotic Evildeath, knowledge
Flurb Chaotic EvilSpeech
Kinte Chaotic EvilWar, Trickery
Verminoth chaotic neutralMemory, Death
Void NeutralGrave and Death


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These deities have one or more improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.

Dnd5e Base Gods In Dmg Download

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