Dmg Mori Lasertec Breakthrough Detection

Dmg mori lasertec 30 slm

DMG MORI latest product and topics. Find the best machine that meets your workpiece and machining requirements. LASERTEC 50 Shape. 5-axis laser Machining achieves high-quality surface treatment. ULTRASONIC / LASERTEC 2016/04/29 UP. LASERTEC 210 Shape. The DMG MORI Magazine for. Service provider to house a DMG MORI LASERTEC 65 3D in North America. Not only does this machine allow us to provide universally applicable laser. Detection / tracking. optional The new ULTRASONIC 20 linear enables ULTRASONIC grinding /. LASERTEC 130 PowerDrill. Automatic breakthrough detection guarantees faster machining. DMG MORI uses cookies to ensure you the best experience on our website.


  • Parameters for image processing can be configured individually
  • Manual correction for hardly detectable or partially closed drill holes possible
  • Automatic documentation of data for a consistent tracking of parts

Customer Benefits


Dmg Mori Lasertec Breakthrough Detection Center

  • Reduced cycle time for measuring and machining of parts by using only one setting
  • Individual settings of acceptable deviations from target values (e.g. diameter) can be changed by the operator
  • Retrofit with software extention possible (Existing software can still be used)