Jul 15, 2012 Polyphemus + a couple of dmg and tears upgrades. Guppy's Paw for more health and of course flying cat transformation for insane amounts of flies. The Binding of Isaac: Samson the flying cat. Jul 24, 2015 The Relic is an achievement in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. DMG, so make sure you take a DMG up whenever you can. Try to get an early devil deal and take advantage of her high health. The Binding of Isaac Rebirth. Isaac gains 2 soul hearts and projectiles go away from you at pretty fast speeds. Flaming tears. Cricket's Body. Dmg up splash dmg. An annoying little thing that follows you around exploding on enemies on impact.
I’ll explain every trinket from the game including DLC’s.
- Trinkets are collectibles that will give you passive effects.
- You can have only one trinket at a time. (or two with Mom’s Purse or Belly Button)
- While held Mom’s Box most of trinkets have double effect.
- There are 60 trinkets in rebirth, with 29 added in afterbirth, and 35 added in afterbirth+
Rebirth Part I
- Swallowed Penny – Drop a coin after damage taken
- Petrified Poop – Raises drop chance from poop
- AAA Battery – Recharge last slot of active item
- Broken Remote – Random teleport when active item is used
- Purple Heart – More champion enemies will spawn
- Broken Magnet – Only works for coins
- Rosary Bead – More Eternal Heart and Angel Room chance
- Cartridge – Chance to Gamekid effect upon taking damage
- Pulse Worm – Hitbox of tears is growing when they are shoot
- Wiggle Worm – Tears fly in right left pattern when shoot
- Ring Worm – Tears fly in ring pattern when shoot
- Flat Worm – Better knockback, tears are now flat and has larger hitboxes
- Store Credit – One thing from shop is free ( One-time use)
- Callus – Immune to spikes and any creep
- Lucky Rock – Rocks drop coins when destroyed
- Mom’s Toenail – Mom is now stomping randomly per 60 in screen dealing 300 dmg. Hurts player too
- Black Lipstick – Increases chance for black hearts to spawn
- Bible Tract – Increases chance for black hearts to spawn, also locks Angel Rooms after dealing with Devil
- Paper Clip – Golden chests are opened without keys
- Monkey Paw – When you reach half a heart of life remaining, a black heart will spawn. After three black hearts have spawned, the trinket dissapears
- Mysterious Paper – Has a chance to trigger effects of The Polaroid, The Negative, Missing Poster, Missing Page. Small chance to take player to The Chest or to The Dark Room without having The Negative or The Polaroid
- Demon’s Tail – Every future heart (except Super Secret room hearts will be re-rolled to another pickups with chance to become a black heart
- Missing Poster – Dying in sacrifice room unlocks ”The Lost”. In Afterbirth you will always respawn as ”The Lost” when you die in sacrifice room while holding this trinket
- Butt Penny – Player farts after picking up any coin
- Mysterious Candy – Random poop spawn
- Hook Worm – Tears fly in Hook pattern when shoot
- Whip Worm – Range up, Shoot speed up
- Broken Ankh – Has 22,22% chance to respawn as “Blue Baby” after dying
- Fish Head – Every damage that player take blue fly will spawn
- Pinky Eye – Tears have chance to be poisoned
- Push Pin – Tears have chance to be spectral and piercing
- Liberty Cap – Random effect ( Mini Mush, The Compass, Odd Mushroom (first and second)) for each room
- UmbilicaL Cord – When on half a heart Lil Steven familiar will spawn
- Childs Heart – More red hearts drops
- Cyrved Horn – +2 DMG
- Rusted Key – More Keys and Chests
- Goat Hoof – Speed up
- Mom’s Pearl – Has a chance to turn heart to soul heart
- Cancer – -2 Tera delay
- Red Patch – Upon taking dmg you have a chance to get +1.8 dmg up for current room
- Match Stick – Only way to remove “Tick” trinket, more bombs chance
- Lucky Toe – +1 Luck
- Cursed Skull – After taking damage teleports you room back
- Safety Cap – More pills chance
- Ace Of Spades – More cards chance
- Isaac’s Fork – After clearing a room you has a chance to heal a half heart
- The Polaroid – Earlier in game as trinket now as item after clearing depths 2 will spawn with The Negative
- Missing Page – When taking dmg player has a chance to activate Necronomicon effect
- Bloody Penny – After picking up a coin player have a chance to spawn half a red heart
- Burnt Penny – After picking up a coin player have a chance to spawn bomb
- Flat Penny – After picking up a coin player have a chance to spawn key
- Counterfeit Penny – After picking up a coin player have a chance to gain another one
Rebirth Part II
- Tick – Every boss is damaged to 85% of his health and player is healed by red heart if possible
- Isaac’s Head – Player gain Isaac’s Head familiar that shoots piercing tears 3.5 dmg
- Maggy’s Faith – Eternal heart will be gained on every floor start
- Judas’ Tongue – Reduces Devils deals price from 2 red hearts to 1
- ???’s Soul – Spawn a familiar that shoots the same direction as player and moves similar to the “GB BUG”
- Samson’s Lock – After killing enemy player have a chance to gain +0.5 dmg up for current room
- Cain’s Eye – 25% To activate The Compass effect
- Eve’s Bird Foot – When you kill an enemy player have a chance to spawn Dead Bird for current room
- The Left Hand – Every chest is replaced to red chest
- Shiny Rock – Tinted rocks and those rocks which has crawl space below will shine once per 100 seconds
- Safety Scissors – Troll bombs will be disarmed
- Rainbow Worm – Random Word effects
- Tape Worm – Double range, halve tear height
- Lazy Worm – Shoot speed down, range up, tear height
- Cracked Dice – When damaged have a chance to trigger random dice effect
- Super Magnet – Everything is slowly moving towards you
- Faded Polaroid – Random camo effect
- Louse – Random blue spider spawn when enemies in room
- Bob’s Bladder – Creates green creep under your bombs
- Watch Battery – Raises battery drops, chance to charge active item after clearing a room
- Blasting Cap – Bombs after blowing have a chance to spawn bomb pickup
- Stud Finder – More Crawl Space chance
- Error – Random trinket effect for room
- Poker Chip – Chests have 50/50 chance to drop more pickups or be empty/spawn enemy
- Blister – More knockback
- Second Hand – Extends effects on enemies (poison, fear etc.)
- Endless Nameless – Upon card or pill use there is a small chance to copy and drop it on the floor
- Black Feather – +0.2 dmg for every ‘evil’ item
- Blind Rage – Invincibility after receiving dmg last longer
- Golden Horse Shoe – 15% chance to have double treasure room for next floor (works as m
More Options item) - Store Key – All shop doors are opened for free
- Rib Of Greed – Greed and Ultra Greed mini bosses are no longer spawning
- Karma – Donating to a machine has a chance to summon a beggar or heal player for one red heart
- Lil Larva – Spawning one blue fly after destroying poop
- Mom’s Locket – All half red hearts are replaced with full red hearts, every key use player will be healed for half a red heart
- No! – While this trinket is held you have a significantly lower chance to find spacebar/active items. It will cause passive items to spawn except when the game cannot generate any more passive items and will then instead choose spacebar/active items. Some hard coded spacebar items from bosses and mini-bosses (i.e. Krampus Head) can still spawn. Bible drops caused by the Rosary item are not prevented by this trinket.
- Child Leash – Familiars now will be closer to each other
- Brown Cap – Poop will explode after destroying
Afterbirth +
- Meconium – Poop has a chance to turn into black poop
- Cracked Crown – Grants extra stat upgrades based on Isaac’s passive items that increase his tear rate
- Used Diaper – Has a chance to give the Skatole effect when entering a room
- Fish Tail – Items and trinkets that generate flies, will generate twice as many
- Black Tooth – Has a chance to fire a tooth, which poisons enemies
- Ouroboros Worm – Tears go in a large, spiral pattern and become spectral.
- Tonsil – When Isaac’s hit, there is a chance for a Tonsil familiar to spawn, which blocks shots.
- Nose Goblin – Has a chance to fire a Sinus Infection tear
- Super Ball – Has a chance to fire a Rubber Cement tear
- Vibrant Bulb – Gives all stats up when you have a fully charged active item.
- Dim Bulb – Gives all stats up when you have a fully depleted active item
- Fragmented Card – Spawns two normal secret rooms instead of one on a floor
- Equality – Turns pickups into their doubled versions, when Isaac’s pickup count is equal to each other
- Wish Bone – When Isaac is hit, there is a chance for Wish Bone to spawn an item
- Bag Lunch – When Isaac is hit, there is a chance for Bag Lunch to spawn Lunch
- Lost Cork – Increases size of the creep Isaac produces
- Crow Heart – When Isaac is hit, and he has red heart containers and soul/black hearts, the damage will drain only the red heart containers
- Walnut – When Isaac is hit, there is a chance for the walnut to crack and spawn pickups
- Duct Tape – Isaac’s familiars stop moving
- Silver Dollar – Shops spawn in the Womb
- Bloody Crown – Treasure Rooms spawn in the Womb
- Pay to Win – A reroll machine always appears in treasure rooms
- Locust of War – Spawns a friendly fly of war, when entering a room, which explodes upon contact with an enemy
- Locust of Pestilence – Spawns a friendly fly of pestilence, when entering a room, which damages and poisons enemies upon contact with them
- Locust of Famine – Spawns a friendly fly of famine, when entering a room, which damages and slows enemies upon contact with them
- Locust of Death – Spawns a friendly fly of famine, when entering a room, which does very high amounts of damage to enemies upon contact with them
- Locust of Conquest – Spawns a 2-5 friendly flies of conquest, when entering a room, which damage enemies upon contact with them
- Bat Wing – Upon killing an enemy, there is a chance for Isaac to be granted flight for the rest of the room
- Stem Cell – Heals half a heart when entering the next floor
- Hair Pin – Fully charges Isaac’s held active item upon entering a boss room
- Wooden Cross – Grants a Holy Mantle effect for the rest of the floor, which disappears upon getting hit
- Butter – Using an active item will drop it onto a pedestal. Getting hit may sometimes make Isaac drop one of his passive items
- Filigree Feather – Angels upon being defeated drop items instead of key pieces
- Door Stop – Allows Isaac to leave the room he’s currently in, even when there are enemies in it
- Extension Cord – Beams of electricity flow through Isaac’s familiars, which damage enemies
- Rotten Penny – Spawns a friendly fly upon picking up a coin
- Baby-Bender – Grants homing shots for Isaac’s familiars
- Finger Bone – Has a chance to give Isaac a bone heart, when being hit
More of this sort of thing:
Attributes |
Health | Damage | Tears | Range | Shot Speed | Speed | Luck | Hidden Attributes |
Health represents the amount of damage the player can take before dying. There are four different types of health in the game, each with their own pickups. The health bar is the visual representation of a player's health on the HUD.
- The order in which hearts are placed is, from left to right, red hearts (and empty containers), eternal hearts, then soul hearts or black hearts (depending on the order in which they were picked up).
- Hearts are generally lost from right to left: Last grabbed black/soul hearts, eternal hearts, then red hearts.
- The exception to this rule is self-damaging items like Razor Blade, Devil Beggars and Blood Donation Machines, which always prioritize heart containers. From these sources, health is lost in the following order: eternal hearts, red hearts, then soul/black hearts.
- The character can only hold a maximum of twelve hearts, and any permutation of the four different types can be used. Picking up a black or soul heart will refill a halved black/soul heart (the other half is then placed at its right); soul hearts can replenish black hearts and vice versa.
Heart Containers[edit | edit source]
Heart containers, or red hearts, are the main form of health for the majority of characters. If the player has only red hearts, the containers will be unfilled as damage is taken (but the containers themselves remain). Empty heart Containers can be refilled with red heart pickups. If Isaac takes a heart that would heal him for more than his current maximum health (for example, taking a red heart when he is only missing half a red heart worth of health), the excessive health will be wasted. The number of heart containers can be increased with multiple items or Health Uppills or decreased with items, Health Down pills, having another player join a game as a baby, or trading them away in a Devil Room or at an underground Black Market.
Soul Hearts[edit | edit source]
Soul hearts are blue hearts that are appended to the end of the health bar. Unlike red hearts, soul hearts do not have containers, so once they're depleted, new ones must replace them. If Isaac has red hearts and half a soul heart, taking a full heart of damage will not remove any red hearts. Losing soul hearts does not count as damage for Devil Room or Angel Room appearance chances, but does count as damage taken for the achievements Basement Boy, Spelunker Boy, Dark Boy, Mama's Boy, and Dead Boy.
Black Hearts[edit | edit source]
Black hearts are similar to soul hearts in that they are appended to the end of the health bar, are not permanent, and that losing them does not count as damage for Devil or Angel Room chances. However, when a black heart is depleted, The Necronomicon's effect is triggered, damaging all enemies in the current room. If Isaac is at his HP cap and any of his hearts are soul hearts, the black heart will replace the rightmost soul heart when picked up.
Eternal Hearts[edit | edit source]
Eternal hearts are the rarest variation of a heart. They always appear as half-hearts and, once picked up, can transform into a new heart container in two ways: either by collecting a second eternal heart at the same level or by traveling to the next floor. If Isaac has 12 red heart containers and travels to a new floor with an eternal heart, Isaac will heal one red heart but will not gain another heart container. If Isaac is at full health, the eternal heart will simply disappear. Eternal hearts are not permanent, cannot be refilled when lost and do not count for the limit of twelve hearts, instead of overlapping the rightmost red heart container. If no heart containers are available, the eternal heart will take the place of the leftmost soul heart or black heart. An Eternal heart will be used up the first time Isaac takes red heart damage (but is not lost by taking red heart damage if Isaac has no red heart containers). This means that using a Blood Donation Machine or activated items like the Razor Blade will drain the eternal heart, even if Isaac has full health and soul hearts. Health removal from Devil Room deals will not drain an eternal heart; rather, the eternal heart is appended onto the end of the next red heart. An eternal heart cannot keep Isaac alive on its own; making a deal with the Devil which drains all hearts except the eternal heart will kill Isaac.
Gold Hearts [edit | edit source]
Gold hearts are unlocked by completing the XXXXXXXXL challenge. Once picked up, the gold heart surrounds Isaac's rightmost heart. The Gold Heart does not prevent damage, but when the heart that the gold heart surrounds is depleted, several coins will spawn and enemies will be changed to gold statues, similar to Midas Touch effect. gold hearts can be 'pushed off-screen' if you have twelve hearts, at least one being a soul, black, or bone heart, and pick up a health up. Coins will still appear if this happens. Losing many hearts at once — for example, by picking up a Dead Cat or using a Hematemesis pill — will correspondingly trigger the gold heart effect many times at once and shower you with coins.
Bone Hearts [edit | edit source]
Bone hearts are special heart containers. They can be refilled with red hearts and take three hits to deplete, but disappear permanently upon depleting.
Unlockable Achievements[edit | edit source]
- Magdalene - Have 7 or more heart containers at one time.
- The Tank - Have 7 or more heart containers at one time.
- Cursed! - Have 7 or more heart containers at one time.
Bugs[edit | edit source]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Upon entering a room with only half a heart left, a small yellow spot, presumably urine, will appear underneath Isaac.
- If Isaac has , a bloodstain will appear instead of urine.
- As Eve, a red bloodstain will appear instead of urine.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |