Trap Cluster Trap And Mine Dmg Arc

Hi guys,
I tried crafting shaper gloves for the first time.
Is it actually possible to roll both
'Skills which Throw Traps throw up to 1 additional Trap
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 22 Trap'
'(31–35)% increased Trap Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Trap And Mine Damage' ?
Both are shaper suffixes.
Seeing as there are lots of items with at least two shaper affixes I thought it possible to roll such gloves. 500c later I gave up.
1. Is it actually possible to roll both mods together?
2. If not, how could I have known this and avoided wasting the currency on crafting?
Last bumped on Jun 24, 2018, 10:34:22 PM
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2018, 1:27:06 PM
Hi yes its possible :)
Your gloves ilvl needs to be 80 at least, otherwise you are wasting crafting material
Check this URL for more detailed infos on affixes:
Dont chaos spam the gloves.
Alt + Aug for the trap suffix and any useful prefix. Then regal and go from there
Last edited by Orbaal on Jun 24, 2018, 1:52:54 PM
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2018, 1:51:35 PM
Hey, thanks for the reply :)
I checked before I started, so I got myself some iLvl 84 gloves.
Which site is correct though? poedb lists those mods as suffixes, poeaffix has them as prefixes...
I also tried alt+regal before I started using chaos. Blew through 1k alts hit 'Level # Trap / throw 1 additional trap' about 5 times in that amount. Regaling did not get me anything usable though.
I just checked and there are no gloves listed having both 'Level # Trap' and 'Level # Trap And Mine Damage'.
What is going on here? Is that a bug, or is there something explicitly blocking those two affixes appearing together? Did anyone succeed in making such gloves? :-(
Cheers, Jabber
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2018, 2:23:56 PM
Its for sure a suffix and its rare yes ^^
I settled for lvl18 trap support and some trap dmg, because I hit a good life roll with the aug and good fire res with the regal. All ex slams after that were wasted, but worth a shot.
You dont need that extra dmg tbh.
Im doing fine without. Something like this is good enough:
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2018, 2:44:19 PM
can I get one of the mods when i ex those gloves? Like 1 additional Trap? Is it wise?
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2018, 3:01:47 PM
can I get one of the mods when i ex those gloves? Like 1 additional Trap? Is it wise?

You cant.
Thats 2 different rolls.
Its either trap + trap dmg or trap + additional trap thrown
You only want +1 additional traps thrown, if you are lacking clearspeed with your aoe skill.
Thats a straight more dmg modifier.
But its also effecting the big traps like spire or flamethrower. Usually that 2nd trap is wasted but consumes a charge.
I didnt need that additional trap anymore (tested it a lot) and went for smoother bosskills.
Thats up to you :)
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2018, 3:37:49 PM
Hi all, thanks for the replies!
Clearspeed is fine in pseudo 5L shaper gloves, you are right.
However, I wanted to create pseudo 6L ones.
I wouldn't mind getting 'Level 2x Trap Support + %Trap Dmg' + 'Level 20 Trap and Mine Damage Support' but somehow this is not possible?
Cheers, Jabber
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2018, 9:25:27 PM
According to this site you cant have 2 trap mods on your gloves.
Best you could get is 1 trap roll + socketed gems have +50% inc crit multi.
I dont think its worth going for that.
Arc traps already destroys trash already. So why bother? :)
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2018, 10:16:13 PM
According to this site you cant have 2 trap mods on your gloves.
Best you could get is 1 trap roll + socketed gems have +50% inc crit multi.
I dont think its worth going for that.
Arc traps already destroys trash already. So why bother? :)

Hey, thanks for the site, did not check that one!
Alright, so I will just chalk the currency lost up to knowledge gained.
Even so, I wish the game had some way of teaching that knowledge without relying on a multitude of third-party sites. (most of whose data validity cannot be determined)
Cheers, Jabber
Posted by
on Jun 24, 2018, 10:34:22 PM

Trap Cluster Trap And Mine Dmg Arc 2

Trap Cluster Trap And Mine Dmg Arc
Yes but they only throw one trap out. I had a trap build with blink and mirror arrow on it with trap support it only throws one trap now.
Last edited by Desarix on Jun 6, 2018, 11:19:00 PM
Posted by
on Jun 6, 2018, 11:18:24 PM
In your build you used cluster traps with arc but they don't work unless they are used with traps that have charges so if you use trap support the multiple and cluster don't work with those.

Cluster and multi trap definitely work with Arc Traps.

I had a blink arrow and mirror arrow trap build the multiple traps gem support it throws out only one trap now.
see this
The description no longer applies. It may work with arc because of no cooldown on skill but the gem itself no longer produces more than one trap if there is a cooldown to the skill it supports. I tried it several times today when I throw a trap out only one trap appears and this is especially obvious when you can see the minion blink/mirror clones.
If you do not use trap support the multiple and cluster trap works properly.
Last edited by Desarix on Jun 6, 2018, 11:31:49 PM
Posted by
on Jun 6, 2018, 11:20:01 PM
I had a blink arrow and mirror arrow trap build the multiple traps gem support it throws out only one trap now.
see this
The description no longer applies. It may work with arc because of no cooldown on skill but the gem itself no longer produces more than one trap if there is a cooldown to the skill it supports. I tried it several times today when I throw a trap out only one trap appears and this is especially obvious when you can see the minion blink/mirror clones.
If you do not use trap support the multiple and cluster trap works properly.

The top comment on both those reddit threads proves that cluster does work with Arc traps. My setup definitely throws out multiple traps and the streamers I’ve watched definitely throw out multiple traps. Looks like the changes only apply to skills with cool downs. So since Arc with Trap support doesn’t have a cool down, it still works. Perhaps it’s your blink/mirror setup that is making it not throw multiple? Not sure why yours is acting that way but I’m sure that Arc - Trap Support - Cluster Traps does work.
Posted by
on Jun 6, 2018, 11:53:36 PM

Cluster and multi trap definitely work with Arc Traps.

I had a blink arrow and mirror arrow trap build the multiple traps gem support it throws out only one trap now.
see this
The description no longer applies. It may work with arc because of no cooldown on skill but the gem itself no longer produces more than one trap if there is a cooldown to the skill it supports. I tried it several times today when I throw a trap out only one trap appears and this is especially obvious when you can see the minion blink/mirror clones.
If you do not use trap support the multiple and cluster trap works properly.

Cluster Trap will not work on any trap where it will incur a cooldown when used
So in the case of Blink and Mirror Arrow, it will only use one trap, Arc however will still throw multiple traps out.
Posted by
on Jun 7, 2018, 12:18:17 AM
Thanks for the clarification. Anyway I removed the traps and am self casting the blink/mirror arrows now.
Posted by
on Jun 7, 2018, 12:34:37 AM
Posted by
on Jun 7, 2018, 6:52:11 PM
Are Stormchargers ok with this or are they just not that great in general?
Posted by
on Jun 7, 2018, 7:28:54 PM
Are Stormchargers ok with this or are they just not that great in general?

Yeah those don’t seem that great. No life, tiny amount of resist. Plus Arc doesn’t do physical damage. I’m sure you can find better rare boots. I’m still using my Deerstalkers which is a cheap way to 5L your Arc.
Posted by
on Jun 7, 2018, 11:14:37 PM
Why using vaal version (I'm aware, that it grants both versions) specifically? It's not supported by cluster traps, so despite being nearly twice as powerful, if we do some rough math:
Say normal version does 100% dmg. We got four in one drop.
Normal + cluster [-36% dmg at lvl 20] x 4 = 400 - (36 x 4) = 256% overall damage. So four mines in total whack stronger than one vaal.
Also, there is 21 lvl corrupted version of normal ver that chains 8 times (vs 7 at 20l) and does significantly more dmg being sold for 1ex, while 21 lvl vaal arc starts at 2ex. Am I missing something?
Posted by
on Jun 7, 2018, 11:38:28 PM
How come not using MoM in this build?

I just updated with an MoM version; you can get more DPS without and mana sustain with MoM is difficult. But you can get enough mana regen to make MoM worthwhile if you use essence worm, clarity + vaal clarity, the 'Dynamo' node near scion wheel, and hella mana regen on your gear.
Posted by
on Jun 8, 2018, 12:08:41 AM

Trap Cluster Trap And Mine Dmg Archery

Trap Cluster Trap And Mine Dmg Archives

Multiple Traps Support Support, Trap Icon: t Mana Multiplier: 140% Requires Level 8 Supports traps skills, making them throw extra traps in a line. Per 1% Quality: Supported Skills have 1% increased Trap Trigger Area of Effect Supported Skills throw up to 2 additional Traps Supported Skills can have up to 3 additional Traps placed at a time.