Graver Dmg Bootable Sous Windows



macrumors 65816

How do I create a Mac OS install thumb drive from InstallESD.dmg file using Windows 7? Ask Question. Assuming that the InstallESD.dmg is on the windows 7 computer: Copy the InstallESD.dmg file onto the USB drive (just copy, not burning etc). (one to copy the InstallESD.dmg from the PC and one to restore it to and boot from) or: open.

BootableGraver Dmg Bootable Sous Windows

Graver Dmg Bootable Sous Windows 8

I need to install Mountain Lion on my Mac once again as the SSD is garbage. I got a new SSD and I am prepared to install it but first I need to create a new bootable USB with Mountain Lion on it to begin the process. Is there any easy and straight forward way to do this on windows? I already have Mountain Lion software backed up but not in a bootable format. USB is preferred as I do not have any dual layer discs laying around and I've already spent a ton of money on the new SSD and really don't want to sink anything else into it.
Thanks a lot guys. I did a little searching and couldn't find anything at all.