Good Magic Dmg Build Bravely Default

Master of time and party savior. These are two ways to describe the Time Mage. Their unique ability to start a battle over when your party gets wiped out is really helpful when times get rough.

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If you have access to Rise from the Dead (Vampire JLV14) and See You in Hell (Dark Knight JLV5), they might be a good addition as well. A Spiritmaster can use Stillness to stall the relentless magic attacks of these enemies, allowing you to store some BP and heal up. Another helpful spiritmaster skill is Adaptation which will allow one ally to. In Bravely Default, the right team makes all the difference. A boss that once seemed impossible to defeat can be steamrolled with the right lineup. Once you figure out the perfect combinations of.

Time Mages control the speed of battle with Time Magic, able to speed up allies and slow down foes. They even have some strong attack magic, including Earth elemental magic that Black Mages don't have.

Visit my Master Guide List if you want a guide on another Job.

This guide will cover everything about Time Mage including:

  • Unlocking Time Mage: How to unlock the job.
  • Equipment guide: What they use, and the optimal equips.
  • Ability List: What level they get them.
  • Cross Job Tips: Which jobs fit well with Time Mage.
  • Special Moves: Which are best suited for Time Mage.
  • Combat Tips: Being most effective in battle.

Unlocking Time Mage

You unlock Time Mage in Chapter 1 by defeating Khamer. After releasing the wind crystal, go to Ancheim at night.

  • Go to the marked location to enter the Grand Mill Works. You fight Khint and Khamer at the end.

Equipment Guide - Which equipment is best for Time Mage

Time Mages have S aptitude for Staves.


  • Brave Suit to get an extra BP at the start of battle.


  • Staves are their only S aptitude weapon, but I recommend using Rod Lore from Black Mage and equipping two rods if you want to use Time Mage as an attacker.

Ability List - What each Time Mage ability does

The Specialty for Time Mage is Time Slip.

  • Time Slip - Returns to the start of battle if your party gets wiped out. Can only occur once per battle, even if multiple characters have this ability.

Level 1

  • Time Magic Level 1 - Enables the use of Slow, Regen, and Quake.

Level 2

  • Magic Attack 10% Up - Support ability that raises Magic Attack by 10%.

Level 3

  • Slow Parry - Support ability that has a 50% chance to Slow your attacker when taking a single-target physical attack.

Level 4

  • Time Magic Level 2 - Enables the use of Haste, Teleport, and Quara.

Level 5

  • Time Slip - Support ability that lets you use the Time Mage Specialty on other Jobs.

Level 6

  • Time Magic Level 3 - Enables the use of Gravity, Veil, and Slowga.

Level 7

  • Stop Immunity - Support ability that makes you immune to Stop.

Level 8

  • Time Magic Level 4 - Enables the use of Comet, Veilga, and Hastega.

Level 9

  • Save Time Magic MP - Support ability that lowers the MP cost of Time Magic by 25%.

Level 10

  • Time Magic Level 5 - Enables the use of Quaga, Stop, and Quick.

Level 11

  • Slow World - Support ability that makes all allies and enemies lose 1 BP at the end of every 2 turns.

Level 12

  • Time Magic Level 6 - Enables the use of Meteor, Reraise, and Graviga.

Level 13

Good Magic Dmg Build Bravely Default List

  • Magic Attack 30% Up - Support ability that raises Magic Attack by 30%.
Good Magic Dmg Build Bravely Default

Level 14

  • Hasten World - Support ability that makes all allies and enemies gain 1 BP at the end of each turn.

Cross Job Tips - Which Jobs go well with Time Mage

  • Black Mageis good when you want to attack because you will have a wide variety to choose from.
  • Red Mageis good if you want a mix of healing and attack magic to go with your time magic.

Special Moves - Getting some extra power out of your weapons


  • Level 1 - Use magic 10 times to use.
    • Piercing Bolt: Attack one. Raises Magic Attack for all allies.
  • Level 2 - Use magic 20 times to use.
    • Withering Ripple: Weaken enemy. Raises Magic Attack for all allies.

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  • Level 3 - Use magic 30 times to use.
    • Holy Weapon: Attack all, slaying Demon. Raises Magic Attack for all allies.

Combat Tips - Controlling time the best you can

The great thing about Time Mage is that you can mess up an entire battle once with no penalty. This lets you try some things you might not otherwise try. It also lets you get a good look at what the enemy does.

  • Time Mages make great support, so start the battle with speeding up allies and/or slowing down enemies. This gives you the upper hand.
  • Using Veilga afterwards to raise your team's evasion.
  • When allies looks close to death, cast Reraise to make sure they get right back up after K.O.
  • Meteor is a fantastic spell, so use that when you need to bring the pain.

That wraps up the Time Mage guide. If you have any questions, or suggestions, let me know in the comments below!

For more guides and tips, check out my Bravely DefaultMaster Guide List.